Department of Mathematics
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Web of Science Researcher ID
Limit groups and automorphisms of κ-existentially closed groups
Kaya, Burak; Kuzucuoğlu, Mahmut; Longobardi, Patrizia; Maj, Mercede (2025-03-15)
The structure of automorphism groups of κ-existentially closed groups has been studied by Kaya-Kuzucuoğlu in 2022. It was proved that Aut(G) is the union of subgroups of level preserving automorphisms and |Aut(G)|=2κ whene...
Kaya, Burak; Kuzucuoğlu, Mahmut (2023-03-01)
A group G is existentially closed (algebraically closed) if every finite system of equations and in-equations that has coefficients in G and has a solution in an overgroup H ≥ G has a solution in G. Existentially closed gr...
Entropic characterization of Gross Domestic Product per capita (GDP) values of countries
Gündüz, Güngör; Kuzucuoğlu, Mahmut; Gündüz, Yalın (2022-10-01)
The historical change of Gross Domestic Product per capita (GDP) values of countries with the thirty largest economies was analyzed by using different entropies, (i) topological entropy, (ii) Shannon entropy, and (iii) con...
Automorphisms of κ -existentially closed groups
Kaya, Burak; Kuzucuoğlu, Mahmut (2022-08-01)
We investigate the automorphisms of some κ-existentially closed groups. In particular, we prove that Aut(G) is the union of subgroups of level preserving automorphisms and | Aut(G) | = 2 κ whenever κ is inaccessible and G ...
k-existentially closed groups
Kuzucuoğlu, Mahmut (2019-10-21)
Limit Monomial Groups,Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia, 1-4 July 2019. (Invited Speaker).
Kuzucuoğlu, Mahmut (2019-07-01)
Normalizers of finite subgroups in homogenous symmetric groups and automorphisms
Guven, Ulviye Bursra; Kuzucuoğlu, Mahmut (Informa UK Limited, 2019-05-21)
The structure of the centralizers of finite subgroups in homogenous symmetric groups S(chi(xi)) are given up to isomorphism by Guven-Kegel-Kuzucuoglu in 2015 and Kuzucuoglu-Oliynyk-Sushchansky in 2018. In this article, we ...
On the existence of kappa-existentially closed groups
Kegel, Otto H.; Kaya, Burak; Kuzucuoğlu, Mahmut (2018-09-01)
We prove that a κ-existentially closed group of cardinality λ exists whenever κ ≤ λ are uncountable cardinals with λ^{<κ} = λ. In particular, we show that there exists a κ-existentially closed group of cardinalityκ for ...
kappa-Existentially closed groups
Kegel, Otto H.; Kuzucuoğlu, Mahmut (2018-04-01)
Let kappa is be an infinite cardinal. The class of kappa-existentially closed groups is defined and their basic properties are studied. Moreover, for an uncountable cardinal kappa, uniqueness of kappa-existentially closed ...
Regular Direct Limits of symmetric groups
Kuzucuoğlu, Mahmut (2018-03-19)
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