Simulation of ventilation in underground transportation systems

Çoruh, Mehmet Murat


Simulation of water exchange in enclosed water bodies
Ozhan, E; Balas, L (2003-01-01)
A 0-D (box type) mathematical flushing model and a three-dimensional baroclinic numerical model have been presented that are used to simulate transport processes in coastal waters. The numerical model consists of hydrodynamic, transport and turbulence model components. In the hydrodynamic model component, the Navier-Stokes equations are solved with the Boussinesq approximation. The transport model component consists of the pollutant transport model and the water temperature and salinity transport models. In...
Simulation of a fire incidence in underground transportation systems
Musluoğlu, Eren; Eralp, Cahit; Department of Mechanical Engineering (2002)
Simulation of flow transients in liquid pipeline systems
Zeren, Zekai Uygur; Konukseven, Erhan İlhan; Department of Mechanical Engineering (2007)
The most basic property of a muscle is its ability to contract and produce force when stimulated. A muscle is mainly composed of cells consisting of myofibrils with its basic unit called as a sarcomere. A sarcomere is composed of actin and myosin responsible for the muscle contraction. The Hill-type muscle model is the most commonly used model to simulate the behavior of a muscle. A muscle can produce its maximum force at isometric conditions. The level of force produced in the muscle is determined by the t...
Simulation of flow transients in liquid pipeline systems
Koç, Gencer; Eralp, O. Cahit; Department of Mechanical Engineering (2007)
Transient flow is a situation where the pressure and flow rate in the pipeline rapidly changes with time. Flow transients are also known as surge and Waterhammer which originates from the hammering sound of the water in the taps or valves. In liquid pipelines, preliminary design parameters are chosen for steady state operations, but a transient check is always necessary. There are various types of transient flow situations such as valve closures, pump trips and flow oscillations. During a transient flow, pr...
Simulation of batch operation for liquid pipelines
Civil, Nazmi; Eralp, O. Cahit; Department of Mechanical Engineering (1994)
Citation Formats
M. M. Çoruh, “Simulation of ventilation in underground transportation systems,” Middle East Technical University, 2000.