İbrahim Yorgun

A Comparative Analysis between the UK and Türkiye from Recent Past to the Future on the UN SDGs on Employability: Global Graduates for Global Careers
Teksöz, Gaye; Acar, Feride Pınar; Shariff, Amir M.; Weerakkody, Vishanth; Sivarajah, Sankar; Sürer, Elif; Angın, Pelin; Surucu Balci, Ebru; Yorgun, İbrahim; Akgül, Esra (2023-09-18)
A Young Brother at the Forefront of a Nuclear War: The Role of Robert F. Kennedy in the Resolution of the Cuban Missile Crisis
Yorgun, İbrahim (null; 2019-12-24)
The event of 1962 known as the Cuban Missile Crisis was the conglomeration of a series of diplomatic negotiations, maneuvers resembling a chess game which was more complex than it appears today. In this complexity, tho...
A Predecessor of the 2nd World War during Atatürk’s Era and a History of Creation of an American Camp: US Chief of Staff’s Turkey Visit Ramifications to the Present
Yorgun, İbrahim (2019-10-01)
It is a social memory among many communities of the 20th century as well as a presentation within the academic circles and publications that the 2nd World War was triggered in the Balkans due to the conflicts among various...
Philanthropy or Hegemony: American Presence in Turkish Higher Education in a Historical Context
Yorgun, İbrahim (2018-10-18)
Historically European education systems such as French and German densely influenced Turkish Higher Education in late 19th century and early 20th century when compared to the American. In fact, beneath the surface of th...
Atatürk döneminde bir 2. Dünya Savaşı öncülü ve bir Amerikan kamplaşma tarihi: ABD Genelkurmay Başkanı’nın Türkiye ziyareti
Yorgun, İbrahim (2018-04-21)
2. Dünya Savaşı’nın 1939 yılında Balkanlarda farklı etnik grupların çatışması sonrası patlak verdiği ve bunun sonrasında meydana gelen gelişmeler ile ABD ve Sovyet kamplaşmalarının oluştuğu toplumlarda yaygın bir inanış ve...
How to Design and Sustain Institutional Partnerships for Higher Education in University Strategic Planning for Internationalization Panel
Işık Güler, Hale; Bulut Şahin, Betül; Yorgun, İbrahim (2018-02-16)
Yorgun, İbrahim (2017-03-23)
Atatürk'ün Zaman Sınırlarını Aşan Kavrayışı: ABD Genel Kurmay Başkanı General Douglas McArthur İle Görüşmesi
Yorgun, İbrahim (2013-04-01)
System and internationalization in Turkish Higher Education: Challenges and Opportunities
Daloğlu, Ayşegül; Yorgun, İbrahim (2009-11-29)
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