Sara Banu Akkaş

Web of Science Researcher ID
Ulusal Kutup Bilimleri Çalıştayı Bildiri Kitabı (3)
Yozgatlıgil, Ahmet; Salihoğlu, Barış; Tezcan, Devrim; Akkaş, Sara Banu (Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Sanayi ve teknoloji Bakanlığı; Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi; İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi-PoLReC; 2019-9)
Ionizing Radiation Induces Structural and Functional Damage on the Molecules of Rat Brain Homogenate Membranes: A Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) Spectroscopic Study
Demir, Pinar; Akkaş, Sara Banu; Severcan, Mete; Zorlu, Faruk; Severcan, Feride (SAGE Publications, 2015-01-01)
Humans can be exposed to ionizing radiation, due to various reasons, whose structural effects on biological membranes are not well defined. The current study aims to understand the ionizing radiation-induced structural and...
A Novel Approach to Aquatic Ecotoxicology Applications of FTIR Spectroscopy
Akkaş, Sara Banu; Beklioğlu, Meryem (2013-10-25)
Impacts of salinity and fish-exuded kairomone on the survival and macromolecular profile of Daphnia pulex
Bezirci, Gizem; Akkaş, Sara Banu; Rinke, Karsten; YILDIRIM, FERİHA; Kalaylioglu, Zeynep; Severcan, Feride; Beklioğlu, Meryem (2012-03-01)
Global warming is already causing salinization of freshwater ecosystems located in semi-arid regions, including Turkey. Daphnids, which are important grazers on phytoplankton and a major food source for fish and invertebra...
Diagnosis and screening of aquatic environments by vibrational spectroscopy
Akkaş, Sara Banu (2012-01-01)
Methodological approaches from experimental to computational analysis in vibrational spectroscopy and microspectroscopy
Severcan, Feride; Akkaş, Sara Banu; Türker, Sevgi; Yücel, Recai (2012-01-01)
Toward a protein profile of the zooplankton Daphnia pulex exposed to the pesticide cypermethrin using ATR FTIR spectroscopy as a novel method
Akkaş, Sara Banu; Beklioğlu, Meryem (2011-08-05)
Toward a protein profile of the zooplankton Daphnia pulex exposed to the pesticide cypermethrin, using ATR-FTIR spectroscopy as a novel method
Akkaş, Sara Banu; Beklioğlu, Meryem (2011-07-01)
Applications of FTIR spectroscopy in aquatic sciences
Akkaş, Sara Banu; Severcan, Feride (2010-09-24)
Effects of 4-nonylphenol, fish predation and food availability on survival and life history traits of Daphnia magna straus
Beklioğlu, Meryem; Akkaş, Sara Banu; Togan, Inci (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2010-06-01)
This study aimed to investigate the compound effect of environmentally relevant 4-nonylphenol (NP) concentrations and natural stressors-namely fish predation and food availability-on Daphnia magna, which were exposed to fo...
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