Owaın Francıs Pedgley

Department of Industrial Design
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Sustainable Design Solutions through Systems Thinking: Reusable Product Family to Replace Single-Use Packaging
Bakırlıoğlu, Yekta; Doğan, Çağla; Pedgley, Owaın Francıs; Şener Pedgley, Bahar (2024-06-01)
Profiling of Turkish Third-Cycle Theses in Design: Bibliometric Analysis of the YÖK Thesis Center
Pedgley, Owaın Francıs; Palamut, Yaren; Şener Pedgley, Bahar; Evans, Mark (ODTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi, 2024)
Third-cycle degrees in design, known as doctoral or doctoral-equivalent design degrees, have grown considerably in quantity and stature worldwide. Distinctive characteristics associated with the degree titles (e.g. Ph.D., ...
Design for performability: a proposal for democratic redesign of the classical guitar
Korkmaz, Alkin; Pedgley, Owaın Francıs (2024-01-01)
Mastery of a musical instrument, including an ability to reach virtuosity in expression and performance, is commonly achieved through a lifelong commitment to practise. The specific instrument played has a crucial role in ...
Targeting a Luxury Driver Experience: Design Considerations for Automotive HMI and Interiors
Yardım, Sevcan; Pedgley, Owaın Francıs (2023-08-01)
Luxury car design feeds on traditions of performance, quality, precision, craftsmanship, and unique or expensive materials. More recently, interactive technologies have become a variable for automotive human-machine interf...
Designing With Self-Determination Theory: Home-Based Digital Exercise Interventions Creating Positive Change
Şener Pedgley, Bahar; Pedgley, Owaın Francıs (2023-07-24)
Ürün ve UX/UI Tasarımında Öğrenci Yetkinliğinin Geliştirilmesi
Şener Pedgley, Bahar; Pedgley, Owaın Francıs (2023-07-01)
The Redesign Studio: An Intensive Evidence-Based Approach for Ideating Product and UX/UI Improvements
Şener Pedgley, Bahar; Pedgley, Owaın Francıs (2022-09-08)
The Redesign Studio: An Intensive Evidence-Based Approach for Ideating Product and UX/UI Improvements
Pedgley, Owaın Francıs; Şener Pedgley, Bahar (2022-09-08)
This paper describes a six-week design studio that set out to make ‘redesign’ an educationally rewarding activity, whilst developing students’ skills in evidence-based designing. Final year industrial design undergraduates...
METU Departmant of Industrial Design Graduation Projects 2022
Korkut, Fatma; Börekçi, Naz Ayşe Güzide Z.; Pedgley, Owaın Francıs; Şener Pedgley, Bahar (2022-06-01)
The catalogue reports 2022 graduation projects conducted in collaboration with over 30 industrial partners. The catalogue has been published on our departmental website and is closely followed by other educational institut...
Materials Experience 2: Expanding Territories of Materials and Design
Pedgley, Owaın Francıs; Rognoli, Valentina; Karana, Elvin (Elsevier Science, Oxford/Amsterdam , 2021-09-01)
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