The Çakır Tahir Ağa building in Birgi.

Numanoğlu, Şevki


The Ertokuş Cravansarai in Eğridir (Text).
Özbek, Ömer Faruk; Department of Architecture (1972)
The mosque of Çelebi Bin Ali Bey.
Shemdin, Gouhar; Department of Restoration (1969)
The hydrology of the Çine basın.
Gürer, İbrahim; Department of Civil Engineering (1970)
The kitchen of the Turkish working woman(Çalışan Türk kadınının mutfağı).
Çelen, Güniz; Department of Architecture (1981)
The Çukur Medrese in Tokat.
Dilmegani, Dara; Department of Restoration (1974)
Citation Formats
Ş. Numanoğlu, “The Çakır Tahir Ağa building in Birgi.,” Middle East Technical University, 1974.