Nuri Cihan Kayaçetin

Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences
Social Impact Assessment of Circular Construction: Case of Living Lab Ghent
Kayaçetin, Nuri Cihan; Piccardo, Chiara; Versele, Alexis (2023-01-01)
The construction industry is considered to have a high potential in achieving the sustainable development goals. The circular economy is a promising framework that supports the shift from a linear-construction industry to ...
Integrated decision support for embodied impact assessment of circular and bio-based building components
Kayaçetin, Nuri Cihan; Verdoodt, Stijn; Lefevre, Lode; Versele, Alexis (2023-01-01)
The construction industry is accounted for one third of all waste generation in the European Union (EU) countries. The Interreg Circular Bio-Based Construction Industry (CBCI) project was conceived to explore the circular ...
A Circular and Bio-based Renovation Strategy for Low-income Neighbourhoods
Kayaçetin, Nuri Cihan; Versele, A. (2022-01-01)
The impact of climate change is expected to increase in the following decade. Possible effects on the built environment are identified as urban heat stress, air pollution, extreme weather conditions, etc. As a result, ther...
Evaluation of Circular Construction Works During Design Phase: An Overview of Valuation Tools
Kayaçetin, Nuri Cihan; Verdoodt, Stijn; Lefevre, Lode; Versele, Alexis (2022-01-01)
The construction industry is one of the largest producers of waste. The Circular Economy Action Plan of the EU aims to tackle this issue and aspires to enhance the sustainability of the construction industry by adopting mo...
Embodied carbon assessment of residential housing at urban scale
Kayaçetin, Nuri Cihan; Tanyer, Ali Murat (2020-01-01)
A great majority of the previous research put extensive efforts on the evaluation of life cycle impacts and carbon footprint of single buildings. Analysis on single buildings often excludes components related with urban sc...
Embodied Carbon in Buildings: Measurement, Management, and Mitigation
Kayaçetin, Nuri Cihan; Tanyer, Ali Murat (2018-01-01)
A Life Cycle Assessment Based Decision Support Model For Architecture engineering construction AEC Projects
Kayaçetin, Nuri Cihan; Tanyer, Ali Murat (2016-10-31)
Environmental evaluation of built-environment has rapidly improved in our decade. As the ArchitectureEngineering-Construction (AEC) industry is proved to have the highest share in resource demand, environmental impact of c...
Exploring Knowledge Management in the Practice of Architecture: A Pilot Study in the Turkish Capital
Kayaçetin, Nuri Cihan; Tanyer, Ali Murat (2009-01-01)
The Architecture-Engineering-Construction industry has recently been altering the ways of managing its resources. Knowledge is considered to be among the most precious of these resources. Knowledge is a critical factor in ...
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