Multiple Sound Source Localization With Steered Response Power Density and Hierarchical Grid Refinement

COTELI, Mert Burkay
OLGUN, Orhun
Hacıhabiboğlu, Hüseyin
Estimation of the direction-of-arrival (DOA) of sound sources is an important step in sound field analysis. Rigid spherical microphone arrays allow the calculation of a compact spherical harmonic representation of the sound field. The standard method for analyzing sound fields recorded using such arrays is steered response power (SRP) maps wherein the source DOA can be estimated as the steering direction that maximizes the output power of a maximally directive beam. This approach is computationally costly since it requires steering the beam in all possible directions. This paper presents an extension to SRP called steered response power density (SRPD) and an associated, signal-adaptive search method called hierarchical grid refinement for reducing the number of steering directions needed for DOA estimation. The proposed method can localize near-coherent as well as incoherent sources while jointly providing the number of prominent sources in the scene. It is shown to be robust to reverberation and additive white noise. An evaluation of the proposed method using simulations and real recordings under highly reverberant conditions as well as a comparison with the state-of-the-art methods are presented.


Multiple Sound Source Localization with Rigid Spherical Microphone Arrays via Residual Energy Test
Coteli, Mert Burkay; Hacıhabiboğlu, Hüseyin (2019-05-01)
The estimation of the directions-of-arrival (DOAs) of multiple sound sources is a fundamental stage in acoustic scene analysis. Many application areas such as robot audition and object-based audio (OBA) broadcast require that DOA estimation is computationally efficient to allow real-time operation. We propose a new DOA estimation approach based on a sparse representation of recorded sound fields as a linear combination of spatially bandlimited impulses in this paper. The proposed algorithm operates on a tim...
Entropy-based direction-of-arrival estimation methods for rigid spherical microphone arrays
Olgun, Orhun; Hacıhabiboğlu, Hüseyin; Department of Modeling and Simulation (2019)
Direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation of sound sources is a popular topic of research and has an important role in several different applications including spatial audio. Recent advances in microphone arrays made more accurate sound field analysis possible. Spherical microphone arrays afford a trivial calculation of spherical harmonic decomposition of sound fields and can be employed in different DOA estimation methods in spherical harmonics domain. This thesis proposes a novel DOA estimation method called ...
Spherical harmonics based acoustic scene analysis for object-based audio
Çöteli, Mert Burkay; Hacıhabiboğlu, Hüseyin; Department of Information Systems (2021-2-19)
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Olgun, Orhun; Hacıhabiboğlu, Hüseyin (2018-09-20)
Direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation is an important step in acoustic scene analysis. Multiple signal classification in the eigenbeam domain (EB-MUSIC) is an accurate direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation method for rigid spherical microphone arrays. Two important issues with this method are 1) the requirement of prior information about the number of coherent source components, and 2) its computational cost. In this paper, a computationally efficient two-stage method, which can alleviate these problems, is...
Blind source separation and directional audio synthesis for binaural auralization of multiple sound sources using microphone array recordings
Günel Kılıç, Banu; Hacıhabiboğlu, Hüseyin (2008-01-01)
Microphone array signal processing techniques are extensively used for sound source localisation, acoustical characterisation and sound source separation, which are related to audio analysis. However, the use of microphone arrays for auralisation, which is generally related to synthesis, has been limited so far. This paper proposes a method for binaural auralisation of multiple sound sources based on blind source separation (BSS) and binaural audio synthesis. A BSS algorithm is introduced that exploits the ...
Citation Formats
M. B. COTELI, O. OLGUN, and H. Hacıhabiboğlu, “Multiple Sound Source Localization With Steered Response Power Density and Hierarchical Grid Refinement,” IEEE-ACM TRANSACTIONS ON AUDIO SPEECH AND LANGUAGE PROCESSING, pp. 2215–2229, 2018, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: