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A MSFD complementary approach for the assessment of pressures knowledge and data gaps in Southern European Seas The PERSEUS experience
Crise, A
Kaberi, H
Ruiz, J
Zatsepin, A
Arashkevich, E
Giani, M
Karageorgis, AP
Prieto, L
Pantazi, M
d’Alcalà M, Ribera
Tornero, V
Vassilopoulou, V
de Madron, Durrieu
Vassilopoulou, V
de Madron, Durrieu
Guieu, C
Puig, P
Zenetos, A
Andral, B
Angel, D
Altukhov, D
Ayata, SD
Aktan, Y
Angel, D
Altukhov, D
SD, Ayata
Aktan, Y
Benedetti, F
Bouchoucha, M
M-C, Buia
Canals, M
Chakroun, M
Christou, E
MG, Christidis
Civitarese, G
Coatu, V
Corsini-Foka, M
Cozzi, S
Deidun, A
Dell’Aquila, A
Dogrammatzi, A
Dumitrache, C
Ettahiri, O
Fonda-Umani, S
Gana, S
Galgani, F
Gasparini, S
Giannakourou, A
M-T, Gomoiu
Gubanova, A
Gücü, Ali Cemal
Gürses, Ö
Hanke, G
Hatzianestis, I
Herut, B
Hone, R
Huertas, E
J-O, Irisson
İşinibilir, M
Kalogirou, S
Kapiris, K
Karamfilov, V
Kavadas, S
Kıdeyş, Ahmet Erkan
Kondylatos, G
Kontogiannis, C
Kosyan, R
Koubbi, P
Kušpilić, G
La, Ferla R
Langone, L
Laroche, S
Lazar, L
Lefkaditou, E
IE, Lemeshko
Machias, A
Malej, A
M-G, Mazzocchi
Medinets, V
Mihalopoulos, N
Miserocchi, S
Moncheva, S
Mukhanov, V
Oaie, G
Oros, A
Panayotova, M
Prospathopoulos, A
Radu, G
Raykov, V
Reglero, P
Reygondeau, G
Rougeron, N
Salihoğlu, Barış
Sanchez-Vidal, A
Sannino, G
Santinelli, C
Secrieru, D
Shapiro, G
Simboura, N
Shiganova, T
Sprovieri, M
Stefanova, K
Streftaris, N
Tirelli, V
Tom, M
Topçu, NE
Balcıoğlu, E
GonzalezFernandes, D
Keskin, Ç
Tsagarakis, K
Tserpes, G
Tsangaris, C
Uysal, Zahit
Vasile, D
Violaki, K
Xu, J
Yuksek, A
Papathanassiou, E
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PERSEUS project aims to identify the most relevant pressures exerted on the ecosystems of the Southern European Seas (SES), highlighting knowledge and data gaps that endanger the achievement of SES Good Environmental Status (GES) as mandated by the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). A complementary approach has been adopted, by a meta-analysis of existing literature on pressure/impact/knowledge gaps summarized in tables related to the MSFD descriptors, discriminating open waters from coastal areas. A comparative assessment of the Initial Assessments (IAs) for five SES countries has been also independently performed. The comparison between meta-analysis results and IAs shows similarities for coastal areas only. Major knowledge gaps have been detected for the biodiversity, marine food web, marine litter and underwater noise descriptors. The meta-analysis also allowed the identification of additional research themes targeting research topics that are requested to the achievement of GES
Subject Keywords
Marine strategy framework directive
Good environmental status
Southern European seas
Initial assessment
PERSEUS project
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Graduate School of Marine Sciences, Article
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Citation Formats
A. Crise et al., “A MSFD complementary approach for the assessment of pressures knowledge and data gaps in Southern European Seas The PERSEUS experience,”
Marine Pollution Bulletin
, pp. 28–39, 2015, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: