Some investment planning problems in the Turkish paper industry.

Arman, Kutay


Some investigations on the corrosion characteristics of high silicon iron alloys.
Omurtag, Yıldırım; Department of Mechanical Engineering (1968)
Some econometric aspects of household expenditures in rural Turkey.
Payaslıoğlu, Cem; Department of Economics (1980)
Problems of nepotism and favouritism in the police organization in Turkey
Mutlu, K (2000-01-01)
Policing in a democratic, free society is one of the essential arguments in the literature. However, the data collected from the police chiefs (N = 306) show that nepotism and favouritism enforced mostly by politicians, are the main problems in police organization in Turkey. That means that legality is ignored by the governing political parties at the expense of democratization of policing. Consequently, law enforcement and maintaining social order within the principles of democracy are Problematic in Turke...
Some investigations on the creep behaviour of stainless steel.
Başaran, Kemal; Department of Metallurgical Engineering (1975)
Some improvements in the analysis and design of monolithic and polylithic crystal filters.
Akçakaya, Ergül; Tokad, Yılmaz; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (1972)
Citation Formats
K. Arman, “Some investment planning problems in the Turkish paper industry.,” Middle East Technical University, 1973.