Granular best match algorithm for context-aware computing systems

Kocaballi, A. Baki
Koçyiğit, Altan
In order to be context-aware, a system or application should adapt its behaviour according to current context, acquired by various context provision mechanisms. After acquiring current context, this information should be matched against the previously defined context sets. In this paper, a granular best match algorithm dealing with the subjective, fuzzy, multi-granular and multi-dimensional characteristics of contextual information is introduced. The CAPRA - Context-Aware Personal Reminder Agent tool is used to show the applicability of the new context matching algorithm. The obtained outputs showed that proposed algorithm produces the results which are more sensitive to the user's intention, and more adaptive to the aforementioned characteristics of the contextual information than the traditional exact match method.


Granular best match algorithm for context-aware computing systems
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Citation Formats
A. B. Kocaballi and A. Koçyiğit, “Granular best match algorithm for context-aware computing systems,” JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE, pp. 2015–2024, 2007, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: