On twisted sums of sequence spaces.

Al-Nsoure, Ziyad


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On locally recurrent functions.
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On representations of Clifford algebras of Ternary cubic forms
Coşkun, Emre; Mustopa, Yusuf (2010-08-14)
In this article, we provide an overview of a one-to-one correspondence between representations of the generalized Clifford algebra C-f of a ternary cubic form f and certain vector bundles (called Ulrich bundles) on a cubic surface X. We study general properties of Ulrich bundles, and using a recent classification of Casanellas and Hartshorne, deduce the existence of irreducible representations of C-f of every possible dimension.
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On lower bounds for incomplete character sums over finite fields
Özbudak, Ferruh (Elsevier BV, 1996-01-01)
The purpose of this paper is to extend results of Stepanov (1980; 1994) about lower bounds for incomplete character sums over a prime finite fieldFpto the case of arbitrary finite fieldFq.
Citation Formats
Z. Al-Nsoure, “On twisted sums of sequence spaces.,” Middle East Technical University, 1985.