Polynomial Multiplication over Finite Fields using Field Extensions and Interpolation

A method for polynomial multiplication over finite fields using field extensions and polynomial interpolation is introduced. The proposed method uses polynomial interpolation as Toom-Cook method together with field extensions. Furthermore, the proposed method can be used when Toom-Cook method cannot be applied directly. Explicit formulae improving the previous results in many cases are obtained.


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For any k⩾3, I construct infinitely many pairwise smoothly non-isotopic smooth surfaces homeomorphic to a non-singular algebraic curve of degree 2k, realizing the same homology class as such a curve and having abelian fundamental group ⧹ . This gives an answer to Problem 4.110 in the Kirby list (Kirby, Problems in low-dimensional topology, in: W. Kazez (Ed.), Geometric Topology, AMS/IP Stud. Adv. Math. vol 2.2, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, 1997).
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Küçüksakallı, Ömer (2015-01-01)
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Citation Formats
M. Cenk and F. Özbudak, “Polynomial Multiplication over Finite Fields using Field Extensions and Interpolation,” 2009, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/31716.