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Cognitive profile and academic achievement of children with absence epilepsy
Yildiz-Coksan, Serpil
Çoksan, Sami
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The main aim of this study was to examine the cognitive profile and academic achievement of children with absence epilepsy. It is investigated whether all scale intelligence score, intelligence subscale scores, and academic achievement of the children with absence epilepsy differed from healthy peers and Turkish norm values. Nineteen children with absence epilepsy and 19 healthy children participate in the study. TheWechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-IV (WISC-IV) is used to measure their intelligence scores. A teacher assessment form (Teacher's Report Form (TRF)) is obtained from the participants' teachers for the measurement of academic achievement, and the students' report cards are collected as an additional measure of it. Participants with absence epilepsy have significantly lower scores of total intelligence score (Mean (M) = 76.68, Standard Deviation (SD) = 25.18), verbal comprehension score (M = 81.68, SD = 25.29), perceptual reasoning score (M = 85.47, SD = 20.61), processing speed score (M = 77.95, SD = 18.61), and working memory (M = 83.74, SD = 19.04), which are measured by WISC-IV, than healthy peers (respectively M = 105.84, SD = 16.20; M = 105.47, SD = 18.12; M = 103.63, SD = 12.88; M = 104.05, SD = 12.98; M = 104.74, SD = 18.97) and normvalues (M = 100, SD = 10). No difference is observed between the subscale scores ofWISC-IV for within group with absence epilepsy. Moreover, they have lower Turkish language (M = 73.65, SD = 19.19) and mathematics (M = 76.26, SD = 22.29) grade report scores than healthy peers (respectively M = 90.76, SD = 12.01; M = 88.64, SD = 15.93). There is no difference between the two groups in terms of the academic achievement obtained from the TRF. It is necessary to support children with absence epilepsy academically. We analyzed whether the current pattern has changed by comparing the intelligent scores and academic achievement of children with absence epilepsy who have recovered after treatment with their healthy peers. In fact, there is no difference between the children with absence epilepsy who have recovered after treatment and their healthy peers in terms of total intelligence score and its subscale scores. Similarly, there is no difference between them in terms ofmathematics score on their report. Only the difference in the score of Turkish language continues in the same direction.
Subject Keywords
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-IV
Academic achievement
Absence epilepsy
Graduate School of Social Sciences, Article
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Citation Formats
S. Yildiz-Coksan, A. ASLAN, S. Çoksan, and Ç. OKUYAZ, “Cognitive profile and academic achievement of children with absence epilepsy,”
, pp. 95–99, 2019, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: