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Geochemistry of mafic dykes from the Southeast Anatolian ophiolites, Turkey: Implications for an intra-oceanic arc-basin system
Colakoglu, Ali Riza
Sayıt, Kaan
Gunay, Kurtulus
Göncüoğlu, Mehmet Cemal
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The Late Cretaceous-Tertiary accretionary prism in Eastern Turkey includes several ophiolitic megablocks and/or tectonic slivers (Mehmetalan, Mollatopuz and Alabayir) within a melange complex, mainly comprising harzburgite, dunite and cumulate-textured gabbro. The diabases, which are the main focus of this study, cut across the ophiolites as parallel and variably thick dyke-swarms. Geochemistry of the diabases reveals three distinct groups, including a) supra-subduction zone (SSZ) type, which is characterized by marked Nb-anomaly and normal mid-ocean ridge basalt (N-MORB) like HFSE distribution, b) enriched MORB (E-MORB) type, showing some degree of enrichment relative to N-MORB, c) oceanic-island basalt (018) type with characteristic hump-backed trace element patterns, coupled with fractionated REE distribution. Among these groups, SSZ- and E-MORB-type signatures are acquired from the Mehmetalan and Mollatopuz suites, whereas OIB-type characteristics are found in the Alabayir suite. The melting models indicate involvement of both depleted and enriched sources for the genesis of the studied dykes. The close spatial relationship, similar ages (based on Ar-Ar dating) and the presence of variable subduction component displayed by Mehmetalan and Mollatopuz suites may indicate melt generation in an intra-oceanic SSZ within the southern branch of Neotethys. In spite of the solely OI8-like character of the Alabayir suite, the similar age obtained from these dykes may suggest their formation in a similar SSZ setting. Alternatively, the Alabayir suite may have represented an oceanic island or seamount formed in an intra-plate setting with or without plume influence. We suggest that decompression melting triggered by slab roll-back mechanism during the closure of the southern branch of the Neotethys during the Late Cretaceous may have been the main process that led to generation of magmas of both depleted and enriched characteristics.
Subject Keywords
Southern Neotethys
Diabase dyke
Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Article
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Citation Formats
A. R. Colakoglu, K. Sayıt, K. Gunay, and M. C. Göncüoğlu, “Geochemistry of mafic dykes from the Southeast Anatolian ophiolites, Turkey: Implications for an intra-oceanic arc-basin system,”
, pp. 113–126, 2012, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: