Mehmet İlbey Çoban

Department of International Relations
Web of Science Researcher ID
The Gentleman’s Agreement between Vladimir Putin and the Kadyrov Family: How have some Chechen Fighters become a part of Russian Military Operations?
Çoban, Mehmet İlbey; Kalaycı, Taha (2023-10-28)
Apart from the Russian Army and Wagner Group, one of themost important weapons of Russian President Vladimir Putin inthe Russia-Ukraine war that started in February 2022 and in itsoperations in Syria since 2015 was the Che...
Türk Dış Politikası Yazımında Analiz Seviyesi Sorunsalı: Türk-Rus İlişkileri Örneği (2003-2023)
Çoban, Mehmet İlbey (2023-10-27)
Uluslararası İlişkilerde analiz seviyesi tartışmaları Kenneth Waltz’ın “Man, State and War” (1959)isimli kitabına atıfta bulunularak ortaya çıkmıştır. David Singer (1960) Waltz’ın bu kitabına yaptığıbir eleştiri yazısıyla ...
The Challenges to French Colonial Rule in Tunisia: Realpolitik in Mediterranean
Çoban, Mehmet İlbey (2021-12-01)
This research posits the dynamics behind impediments over the French colonial rule over Tunisia in the context of International Relations discipline. In doing so, anarchy notion will be beneficial for explaining the dynami...
İran, Rusya ve Türkiye'nin Suriye Karmaşıklığındaki Politikaları Bağlamındaki Eş-Uyarlanma: Astana Sürecinin Ortaya Çıkışı
Çoban, Mehmet İlbey (Springer, London/Berlin , 2021-08-01)
This research is based on explaining the dynamics that led the Iran, Russiaand Turkey to initiate Astana Process within the framework of the Syrian CivilWar’schanging dynamics. The article intends to combine power politics...
Co-adaptation in Context with Iranian, Russian and Turkish Policies on Syrian Complexity: The Emergence of the Astana Process
Çoban, Mehmet İlbey (2021-01-01)
© 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.This research is based on explaining the dynamics that led the Iran, Russia and Turkey to initiate Astana Process within the framework of the...
Kazakistan'ın Uluslararası Güvenliğe Katkısı: Astana Süreci Örneği
Bağcı, Hüseyin; Çoban, Mehmet İlbey (Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, 2021-01-01)
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