Residence as an extention to university education a case study: M.E.T.U. housing complex

Sevim, Zuhal


Residential satisfaction of children in mass housing
Severcan, Yücel Can; Barlas, Mehmet Adnan (null; 2015-06-17)
Residential satisfaction is a significant topic in environmental psychology, urban design and housing yet there is little research on residential satisfaction among children. Although a few scholars, such as Severcan (2012), examined children’s place attachment (a construct that is positively correlated with residential satisfaction) in historical districts that were slated for urban regeneration, we know little about the effects of living in mass housing developments on children’s place satisfaction. This ...
Living apartment buildings in Ankara and their relation with the city
Gedikli, Bahar (null; 2019-07-09)
Innovative buildings, with their design aspects, functions and environmental relations, can enrich urban areas spatially and functionally. This study explores inner-city apartment buildings in Ankara that adapted a similar approach to Le Corbusier's Unité d'Habitation (dwelling unit), and analyzes how they have contributed to their surrounding area. Le Corbusier's approach to city planning involved geometric forms. In his works on city planning, dwelling is the fundamental element. One of his well-known con...
Leisure constraints and negotiation strategies in tourism recreation: a comperative research with different cultures
Tek, Tolga; Koçak, Mehmet Settar; Department of Physical Education and Sports (2018)
The main problem of this study was to describe perceived constraints encountered and negotiation strategies utilized by foreign tourists in a recreational sport setting in different regions of Turkey. Moreover, discreteness in negotiation was examined according to gender, participation, the level and type of perceived constraint encountered. A questionnaire was conducted to a sample of randomly selected foreign tourists in different regions from Turkey. The modification study of Leisure Constraints Question...
Residential Relocation and Children's Satisfaction with Mass Housing
Severcan, Yücel Can (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 2019-01-01)
This article investigates the effects of relocation on children's satisfaction with mass housing built in the context of squatter housing regeneration. The results are based on a survey and group interviews with 137 nine-to-twelve-year-old children living in three mass housing developments in Ankara, Turkey. At the home level, it was found that while there was no significant change in the satisfaction level of children who moved to an outer-city mass housing development, satisfaction scores significantly in...
Architecture as an urban and social sign : understanding the nature of urban transformation in Eskişehir highway, Ankara
Bonjaku Gökdemir, Ornela; Güzer, Celal Abdi; Restoration in Department of Architecture (2009)
The buildings of a city such as shopping malls, plazas, world trade centers, hotels or even residential complexes are not only alternative urban building typologies but they represent power in social, economical, political and even religious terms. In this sense buildings should not be seen as specific design and research areas limited with single building scale but rather should be seen as urban statements in city scale. However the eclectic existence of these buildings in urban fabric causes a series of u...
Citation Formats
Z. Sevim, “ Residence as an extention to university education a case study: M.E.T.U. housing complex,” Middle East Technical University, 1991.