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Late Eocene evolution of the Cicekdagi Basin (central Turkey): Syn-sedimentary compression during microcontinent-continent collision in central Anatolia
Gulyuz, Erhan
Kaymakcı, Nuretdin
Meijers, Maud J. M.
van Hinsbergen, Douwe J. J.
Lefebvre, Come
Vissers, Reinoud L. M.
Hendriks, Bart W. H.
Peynircioglu, A. Ahmet
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The Central Anatolian Crystalline Complex (CACC) exposes metasediment rocks overlain by Cretaceous ophiolites and intruded by granitoids. Following late Cretaceous exhumation of its high-grade metamorphic rocks, the CACC started to collide with the Central Pontides of southern Eurasia in the latest Cretaceous to Paleocene. Here, we present the sedimentary, stratigraphic and tectonic evolution of the Cicekdagi Basin, located in the northwest of the CACC. Magnetostratigraphic dating, supported by Ar-40/Ar-39 geochronology, shows a late Eocene basin age. The basin fill unconformably overlies metamorphic basement in the south and ophiolites of the CACC in the north. It consists of red conglomerates, sandstones and siltstones, which overlie a sequence of nummulitic limestones. In the south, these limestones are similar to 10 m thick, are underlain by a few meters of conglomerate unit unconformably covering the CACC metamorphics. In the north, the limestones are underlain by a similar to 200 m thick sequence of volcanics and fine-grained clastics intercalating with shallow marine black shales. The upper Eocene sediments of the Cicekdagi Basin were deformed into a syn-anticline pair. Progressive unconformities in the northern flank and a rapid and persistent similar to 180 degrees switch in paleocurrent directions from southward to northward in the southern flank of the anticline demonstrate syn-sedimentary folding. We interpret the folding to result from a southward progression of the Cankiri foreland basin as a result of ongoing collision between the CACC and the Pontides.
Subject Keywords
Central Anatolia
Sedimentary Basin
Continent-Continent Collision
Eastern Mediterranean
Department of Geological Engineering, Article
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Citation Formats
E. Gulyuz et al., “Late Eocene evolution of the Cicekdagi Basin (central Turkey): Syn-sedimentary compression during microcontinent-continent collision in central Anatolia,”
, pp. 286–299, 2013, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: