Transport of ion in matter

Gity, Samadi Hosseinali


Transport of neutral atoms in plasma with a source of neutral atoms and molecules
Bilikmen, Sinan; Rhimi, Mohamed Nazih (IOP Publishing, 1989-1-1)
A model for steady state neutral atom transport in a finite thickness, one dimensional plasma slab with a source of neutrals and molecules at the edge, is formulated. A computer code OMID is developed for computational analysis. The analysis shows that the cold neutral particle density is maximum near the wall, the total fuelling profile peaks in the vicinity of the wall for a molecular source more than for an atomic one, energetic neutrals formed in successive charge exchange collisions carry energy to the...
Diffusion Of Gases Through Polymer Films
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Diffusion of Gases Through Polymer Films
İlter, Murat H; Orbey, Neşe; Department of Chemical Engineering (1989)
Diffusion of Water in Whey Protein Isolate Gels
Öztop, Halil Mecit; Rosenberg, Moshe; Rosenberg, Yael; Mccarthy, Michael (null; 2009-08-30)
Transport properties of sulfonated polystyrene and its ionomer membranes
Sarı, Zehra; Aras, Leyla; Department of Chemistry (1990)
Citation Formats
S. H. Gity, “Transport of ion in matter,” Middle East Technical University, 1991.