Statistical inference concerning time-truncated samples from exponential distribution.

Levent, İbrahim


Statistical inference from complete and incomplete data
Can Mutan, Oya; Tiku, Moti Lal; Department of Statistics (2010)
Let X and Y be two random variables such that Y depends on X=x. This is a very common situation in many real life applications. The problem is to estimate the location and scale parameters in the marginal distributions of X and Y and the conditional distribution of Y given X=x. We are also interested in estimating the regression coefficient and the correlation coefficient. We have a cost constraint for observing X=x, the larger x is the more expensive it becomes. The allowable sample size n is governed by a...
Statistical analysis of block ciphers and hash functions
Sulak, Fatih; Doğanaksoy, Ali; Department of Cryptography (2011)
One of the most basic properties expected from block ciphers and hash functions is passing statistical randomness testing, as they are supposed to behave like random mappings. Previously, testing of AES candidate block ciphers was done by using the statistical tests defined in the NIST Test Suite. As some of the tests in this suite require long sequences, data sets are formed by concatenating the outputs of the algorithms obtained from various input types. However, the nature of block cipher and hash functi...
Statistical evaluation of the loss function approach for symmetric and asymmetric cases in quality control
Tezcan, Fehmi Barış; Akkaya, Ayşen; Department of Statistics (1999)
Statistical analysis of local 3D structure in 2D images
Kalkan, Sinan; Wörgötter, Florentin; Krüger, Norbert (2006-01-01)
For the analysis of images, a deeper understanding of their intrinsic structure is required. This has been obtained for 2D images by means of statistical analysis [15, 18]. Here, we analyze the relation between local image structures (i.e., homogeneous, edge-like, corner-like or texture-like structures) and the underlying local 3D structure, represented in terms of continuous surfaces and different kinds of 3D discontinuities, using 3D range data with the true color information. We find that homogeneous ima...
Statistical forecasting of compression index.
Özdikmen, Atillâ; Department of Civil Engineering (1972)
Citation Formats
İ. Levent, “Statistical inference concerning time-truncated samples from exponential distribution.,” Middle East Technical University, 1978.