Statistical inference from complete and incomplete data

Can Mutan, Oya
Let X and Y be two random variables such that Y depends on X=x. This is a very common situation in many real life applications. The problem is to estimate the location and scale parameters in the marginal distributions of X and Y and the conditional distribution of Y given X=x. We are also interested in estimating the regression coefficient and the correlation coefficient. We have a cost constraint for observing X=x, the larger x is the more expensive it becomes. The allowable sample size n is governed by a pre-determined total cost. This can lead to a situation where some of the largest X=x observations cannot be observed (Type II censoring). Two general methods of estimation are available, the method of least squares and the method of maximum likelihood. For most non-normal distributions, however, the latter is analytically and computationally problematic. Instead, we use the method of modified maximum likelihood estimation which is known to be essentially as efficient as the maximum likelihood estimation. The method has a distinct advantage: It yields estimators which are explicit functions of sample observations and are, therefore, analytically and computationally straightforward. In this thesis specifically, the problem is to evaluate the effect of the largest order statistics x(i) (i>n-r) in a random sample of size n (i) on the mean E(X) and variance V(X) of X, (ii) on the cost of observing the x-observations, (iii) on the conditional mean E(Y


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Citation Formats
O. Can Mutan, “Statistical inference from complete and incomplete data,” Ph.D. - Doctoral Program, Middle East Technical University, 2010.