Effects of problem-based learning and traditional instruction on self-regulated learning

The authors used the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire to investigate the effectiveness of problem-based learning (PBL) and traditional instructional approaches on various facets of students' self-regulated learning, including motivation and learning strategies. Participants included 61 tenth-grade students from 2 intact classes instructed by the same biology teacher. The authors randomly assigned 1 class as the experimental group and the other class as the control group. Teachers instructed the control group with teacher-centered, textbook-oriented traditional instruction; they taught the experimental group with problem-based learning, in which students worked with ill-structured problems. Results revealed that PBL students had higher levels of intrinsic goal orientation, task value, use of elaboration learning strategies, critical thinking, metacognitive self-regulation, effort regulation, and peer learning compared with control-group students.


Effects of instructions based on cognitive bridging and cognitive conflict on 9th grade students‘ understanding of force and motion, epistemological beliefs, and self-efficacy
Yaman, İbrahim; Özdemir, Ömer Faruk; Department of Secondary Science and Mathematics Education (2013)
The aim of this study is to compare the effects of the instructions based on cognitive bridging and cognitive conflict approaches and gender on 9th grade students‘ conceptual understanding of force and motion, self-efficacy, and epistemological beliefs. The study was conducted with a sample of 206 students in two different schools. The instructional method (traditional, cognitive conflict, and cognitive bridging) and students‘ gender were used as independent variables in a 3x2 factorial design. Within this ...
Effects of the asynchronous web-based course: Preservice teachers' achievement, metacognition, and attitudes towards the course
Topcu, Abdullah; Ubuz, Behiye (2008-01-01)
This present study aimed to investigate the effects of the asynchronous web-based "General Teaching Methods" course conducted based on direct or indirect instructional methods on pre-service teachers' achievement, metacognition, and attitudes towards web-based course. Two groups, a total of 63 third grade elementary science and mathematics education pre-service teachers, attended to one of the aforementioned web-based courses. The results indicated that the group exposed to the web-based indirect instructio...
Effects of a mathematics instruction enriched with portfolio activities on seventh grade students' achievement, motivation and learning strategies
Özdemir, Sarem; Bulut, Safure; Department of Secondary Science and Mathematics Education (2012)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of a mathematics instruction enriched with portfolio activities on seventh grade North Cyprus students’ mathematics achievement, motivation and learning strategies. A Doubly Repeated MANOVA measures experimental - control groups pretest-to posttest-to-retention test design was used. Convenience sampling was used in the study. 69 students from 102 formed the experimental and the control groups respectively. Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnair...
Effects of web-based learning tool on student learning in science education: a case study
Şengel, Erhan; Özden, M. Yaşar; Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technology (2005)
This exploratory study provides a qualitative and quantitative report on the integration of a specific online information system into the science curriculum using authentic tasks in a class setting. It investigates how they use an online information database and tools to create meaning. An in-depth analysis was done to understand students̕ perceptions about the usability of a web-based learning tool used in science course, properties of a web-based learning tool, the quality of the content, and the structur...
Self-Efficacy Beliefs and Self-Regulated Learning Strategies of Prep School Students and Their Relation with Language Proficiency Levels
Çimenli, Betül; Hırçın Çoban, Merve (2019-01-01)
The main purpose of this study is to uncover prep school students’ self-efficacy beliefs and self-regulated strategy use in different proficiency levels. In accordance with this, this study aims to find out the relation between self-efficacy beliefs of students and their use of SRL strategies, and figure out to what extent self-efficacy beliefs, SLR strategies use of students and gender can predict their proficiency level. The study was conducted at a private university in Ankara in the academic year 2017-2...
Citation Formats
S. Sungur and C. Öztekin, “Effects of problem-based learning and traditional instruction on self-regulated learning,” JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH, pp. 307–317, 2006, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/39480.