h-Principle phi-free embeddings in calibrated manifolds

In this paper, we prove that the h-principle holds for phi-free embeddings for coassociative, Cay ley and quaternionic calibrations. As a result, we show that for coassocative calibration *partial derivative, an orientable smooth closed 4-manifold N-4 can be embedded into any G(2)-manifold M-7 as *partial derivative-free if the Euler characteristic of N, chi(N) and the signature of N, tau(N) are equal to zero.


Güloğlu, İsmail Şuayip; Ercan, Gülin (2013-05-01)
In this paper we study the structure of a finite group G admitting a solvable group A of automorphisms of coprime order so that for any x epsilon C-G(A) of prime order or of order 4, every conjugate of x in G is also contained in C-G(A). Under this hypothesis it is proven that the subgroup [G, A] is solvable. Also an upper bound for the nilpotent height of [G, A] in terms of the number of primes dividing the order of A is obtained in the case where A is abelian.
P-T phase diagram at various concentrations for the NH4BrxCl1-x system
Salihoglu, S; Tari, O; Yurtseven, Hasan Hamit (2001-08-01)
We calculate here using the mean field theory, the phase-line equations for the gamma-beta, delta-beta and delta-gamma phase transitions in the NH4BrxCl1-x system. We fit our P-T phase diagrams calculated at various concentrations to the experimental data for this crystalline system. Our results show that there is a good agreement between our calculated and experimentally observed phase diagrams for the NH4BrxCl1-x system.
B-decay anomalies and scalar leptoquarks in unified Pati-Salam models from noncommutative geometry
Aydemir, Ufuk; Minic, Djordje; Sun, Chen; Takeuchi, Tatsu (2018-09-01)
Motivated by possible scalar-leptoquark explanations of the recently reported B-decay anomalies, we investigate whether the required leptoquarks can be accommodated within models based on noncommutative geometry (NCG). The models considered have the gauge structure of Pati-Salam models, SU(4) x SU(2)(L) x SU(2)(R), with gauge coupling unification at a single scale. In one of the models, we find a unique scalar leptoquark with quantum numbers (3, 1, -1/3)(321), originating from a complex multiplet (6, 1, 1)(...
Strong vertices of doubly heavy spin- 3/2 -spin- 1/2 baryons with light mesons in light-cone QCD sum rules
Şimşek, K.; Alıyev, Tahmasıb (2021-03-30)
In this paper, we analyze the vertices of doubly heavy spin-3/2-spin-1/2 baryons with light mesons within the method of light-cone QCD sum rules. These vertices are parametrized in terms of one (three) coupling constant(s) for the pseudoscalar (vector) mesons. The said coupling constants are calculated for all possible transitions. The results presented here can serve as useful information in experimental as well as theoretical studies of the properties of doubly heavy baryons.
Calculation of the Raman frequencies using volume data in various phases of solid nitrogen and benzene
Çetinbaş İşeri, Esin; Yurtseven, Hasan Hamit; Department of Physics (2011)
In this work, two particular orthogonal and conformal decompositions of the 3+1 dimensional Einstein equation and Arnowitt-Deser-Misner (ADM) formalism for general relativity are obtained. In order to do these, the 3+1 foliation of the four-dimensional spacetime, the fundamental conformal transformations and the Hamiltonian form of general relativity that leads to the ADM formalism, defined for the conserved quantities of the hypersurfaces of the globally-hyperbolic asymptotically flat spacetimes, are recons...
Citation Formats
İ. Ünal, “h-Principle phi-free embeddings in calibrated manifolds,” INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, pp. 0–0, 2015, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/39964.