Fixed Point Free Action



Tight contact structures on hyperbolic three-manifolds
Arıkan, Mehmet Fırat (Elsevier BV, 2017-11-01)
Let Sigma(g) denote a closed orientable surface of genus g >= 2. We consider a certain infinite family of Sigma(g)-bundles over circle whose monodromies are taken from some collection of pseudo-Anosov diffeomorphisms. We show the existence of tight contact structure on every closed 3-manifold obtained via rational r-surgery along a section of any member of the family whenever r not equal 2g - 1. Combining with Thurston's hyperbolic Dehn surgery theorem, we obtain infinitely many hyperbolic closed 3-manifold...
Liftable homeomorphisms of cyclic and rank two finite abelian branched covers over the real projective plane
Atalan, Ferihe; Medetogullari, Elif; Ozan, Yıldıray (Elsevier BV, 2021-02-01)
© 2020 Elsevier B.V.In this note, we investigate the property for regular branched finite abelian covers of the real projective plane, where each homeomorphism of the base (preserving the branch locus) lifts to a homeomorphism of the covering surface.
Finite rigid sets in curve complexes of nonorientable surfaces
Ilbira, Sabahattin; Korkmaz, Mustafa (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2020-06-01)
A rigid set in a curve complex of a surface is a subcomplex such that every locally injective simplicial map from the set into the curve complex is induced by a homeomorphism of the surface. In this paper, we find finite rigid sets in the curve complexes of connected nonorientable surfaces of genus g with n holes for g + n not equal 4.
Equivariant cross sections of complex Stiefel manifolds
Onder, T (Elsevier BV, 2001-01-16)
Let G be a finite group and let M be a unitary representation space of G. A solution to the existence problem of G-equivariant cross sections of the complex Stiefel manifold W-k(M) of unitary k-frames over the unit sphere S(M) is given under mild restrictions on G and on fixed point sets. In the case G is an even ordered group, some sufficient conditions for the existence of G-equivariant real frame fields on spheres with complementary G-equivariant complex structures are also obtained, improving earlier re...
Paracompactness of spaces which have covering properties weaker than paracompactness
Onal, S (Elsevier BV, 2001-07-16)
We prove that (i) a collectionwise normal, orthocompact, theta (m)-refinable, [m, N-0]-submetacompact space is paracompact, (ii) a collectionwise normal, [infinity, m]-paracompact [m, N-0]-submetacompact space is paracompact. This gives a sufficient condition for the paracompactness of para-Lindelof, collectionwise normal spaces.
Citation Formats
G. Ercan, “Fixed Point Free Action,” 2015, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: