Wandering: Philosophical Performances of Racial and Sexual Freedom



Transformed landscapes and a transnational identity of class: Narratives on (post-)industrial landscapes in Europe
Meier, Lars; Aytekin, Erden Attila (SAGE Publications, 2019-01-01)
Based on 222 qualitative interviews conducted through a large ethnographic research project on transformed industrial landscapes in six countries, the main argument of the article is threefold. First, landscapes and narratives about past and present landscapes are relevant to the identity of class; second, the transformation of industrial landscapes is most emphatically expressed by nostalgia; third, the narratives are a transnationally constitutive element of class identity. The narratives of workers about...
Visiting Shrines: A Turkish Religious Healing Practice.
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Displaced memories, or the architecture of forgetting and remembrance
Sargın, Güven Arif (SAGE Publications, 2004-10-01)
Under the political pressure of Turkey's Modernity Project Ankara's urban-planning processes and its monuments have always been utilized as significant tools of architectural displacement in the expedience of utopias, both socially and spatially. Urban-scale operations since the 1950s, a significant conservative breakthrough as a result of global liberalism and populism, however, have overwhelmed the secular state's organized forgetting, and have increasingly demobilized the capital city's modernist collect...
Ödünç kentsel mekanlar: Bir meydan çözümlemesi, Viyana Belediye Meydanı (Wiener Rathausplatz)
Basa, İnci (2018-01-01)
Bu makale “ödünç mekan” kavramını, kentsel açık alanları ‘olasılıklar ortamına’ dönüştüren bir mekanizma olarak tartışmakta ve bu anlayışla Viyana Belediye Meydanı’nı (Wiener Rathausplatz) farklı pratiklere olanaklar sunan bir ödünç mekan olarak teşhis edip çözümlemeyi hedeflemektedir. Buradaki özgün katkı, bu mekanizmanın, kentlerin karmaşık yapısını anlamakta kullanılagelen ‘toplumsal süreçler’ ve ‘mekansal biçimlenme’ ikilisi arasında bir dilsel çeviri olarak betimlenmesi ve bunun söz konusu kamusal meka...
Citation Formats
F. İbrahimhakkıoğlu, “Wandering: Philosophical Performances of Racial and Sexual Freedom,” History: Reviews of New Books, pp. 87–88, 2016, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/41284.