A proposal for an online algorithmic interpretive language.

Balkan, Haluk Safvet


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Yuksel, Onder; Department of Electrical Engineering (1964)
A proposal for unification of 18 and ES development and an application.
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A proposal for mass housing in Ankara.
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Sayın, Hüseyin; Coşar, Ahmet; Department of Information Systems (2003)
This thesis investigates the usage area of Extensible Markup Language Message Text Format (XML-MTF) in Tactical Command and Control Information System (TC2IS). It examines the used tactical message types and their application area in Turkish Army and what the XML and XML-MTFs are explained. Finally; MTF traffic of a brigade is simulated to verify that XML technology can be used effectively in Turkish Land Forces Tactical Command Control and Information System Projects (TLF TC2IS).
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Oğuz, Eser Deniz; Erkip, Nesim; Aşkar, Murat; Department of Science and Technology Policy Studies (2000)
Citation Formats
H. S. Balkan, “A proposal for an online algorithmic interpretive language.,” Middle East Technical University, 1969.