British intelligence against EOKA in Cyprus, 1945-1960

Erkan, Niha
This thesis analyses the role of British intelligence activities in the fight against EOKA in Cyprus between 1945 and 1960. In the study, the concepts of intelligence and intelligence failure as well as development of British intelligence system will be examined. Based on these preliminary Works, this thesis will seek to answer how British intelligence played a role against EOKA in Cyprus with respect to intelligence collection, intelligence analysis, counterintelligence and covert action.


The Development of inter-communal fighting in Cyprus : 1948-1970
Çalışkan, Murat; Yalvaç, Faruk; Department of International Relations (2012)
This thesis aims to examine the development of inter-communal fighting in Cyprus between 1948 and 1974. It focuses on the domestic factors of inter-communal fighting by analyzing the gradual evolution of Greek and Turkish Cypriot stances. The thesis argues that the inter-communal fighting of Cyprus is rooted in the historical and domestic factors. This thesis analyzes the continuities and changes in Cyprus politics. This work accordingly will examine the articulation of various political and social factors ...
Turkish press and the Turkish-Greek relations (1946-1955)
Emen Gökatalay, Gözde; Boyar, Ebru; Department of International Relations (2017)
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Gürbüz, Yunus Emre; Ergut, Ferdan; Department of History (2007)
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German foreign policy after reunification
Tuna, Hale; Bağcı, Hüseyin; Department of International Relations (1995)
This thesis analyzes effects of the reunification on German foreign policy. It will search for an answer to this popular question: Has Germany become a militarist and expansionist state after the reunification, aiming the fourth Reich? To answer it, developments in global political system will be traced, and within that framework, Germany’s options and restrictions will be analyzed. With the collapse of communist bloc, political system in the world has dramatically changed. Thanks to the European Union, now...
The United States, Turkey and the Cyprus issue from 1949 to 1964 Johnson letter
Özkan, Ali.; Ünlü Bilgiç, Tuba; Department of Latin and North American Studies (2019)
This thesis purports to examine the positions of the United States and Turkey towards the Cyprus issue between 1949 and 1964. The study questions whether there was harmony or discord in bilateral relations due to their policy decisions concerning the issue. Accordingly, the thesis analyzes the nature of the American-Turkish alliance established in the 1940s, and examines how the Cyprus issue shaped, and how it was shaped by the positions of these two countries until 1964 Johnson letter. The thesis concludes...
Citation Formats
N. Erkan, “British intelligence against EOKA in Cyprus, 1945-1960,” Thesis (Ph.D.) -- Graduate School of Social Sciences. International Relations., Middle East Technical University, 2019.