Work-home spillover of uncivil behaviors

Karanfil, Dery
The current study aimed to examine whether employees who are targeted by incivility at work display similar behaviors toward their partners at home. The current study proposed a model for work-home spillover of uncivil behaviors. Emotional exhaustion was hypothesized as the mediator of in the relationship between workplace experienced incivility and work-family conflict. Core self-evaluation and psychological detachment were expected to weaken the effect of experienced workplace incivility on emotional exhaustion. I further, hypothesized that emotional exhaustion would mediate the relationship between experienced workplace incivility and instigated family incivility and that work-family conflict would mediate the relationship between emotional exhaustion and instigated family incivility. Self-compassion and relaxation were expected to weaken the relationship between work-family conflict and instigated family incivility. The current study examined the moderating role of spousal support in the above-mentioned mediation paths on an exploratory basis. The final sample of the study was comprised of 150 dual-earner couples who provided data at two waves. It was found that experienced workplace incivility was related to increased emotional exhaustion, which in turn was related to increased work-family conflict for both wife and husband participants. Moreover, after controlling for husbands’ core self-evaluation and relaxation, experienced workplace incivility was indirectly related to instigated family incivility through increased emotional exhaustion for wives only. However, the results failed to support the remaining mediation hypotheses and the moderating roles of core self-evaluation, psychological detachment, self-compassion, relaxation, and spousal support. The implications and limitations of the current study and suggestions for future research are discussed.


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Citation Formats
D. Karanfil, “Work-home spillover of uncivil behaviors,” Thesis (Ph.D.) -- Graduate School of Social Sciences. Psychology, Middle East Technical University, 2019.