Mean homogeneity tests under the violation of the assumptions

Sakmar, Elçin
In social, educational and health sciences, obtained data are generally non-normal and heterogeneous although many methods expect one or more assumptions to be satisfied. However, there is still a need for an extensive Monte Carlo comparison and a new way for testing the means for populations that have both non-normality and heterogeneity. So, the first aim of the current study is to compare several means for both under non-normality and variance heterogeneity. The second aim is to compare several means that are normally distributed with heterogeneity of variance. The B = 1000 bootstrap tests are performed for


Hypothesis testing in one-way classification AR(1) model with Student’s t innovations: An application to a real life data
Yıldırım, Özgecan; Yozgatlıgil, Ceylan; Şenoğlu, Birdal (null; 2017-05-26)
In this study, we estimate the model parameters in one-way classification AR (1) model when the distribution of the error terms is independently and identically distributed (iid) Student’s t. Maximum likelihood (ML) methodology is used in the estimation procedure. We also introduce the F statistic based on the ML estimators of the parameters for testing the equality of the treatment means. See also Yıldırım (2017) (M.S. Thesis, METU, Ankara, Continue) and Şenoğlu and Bayrak (2016) (Linear Contrasts in one-w...
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This study analyses the functioning of a school as a social system in an atypical context with the purpose of generating propositions to tackle educational problems confronted by socially and economically disadvantaged groups attending these schools. Adopting the constructivist grounded theory, the analysis suggests that there is a kind of “vicious cycle” in the functioning of this atypical school, which adversely affects the school system. Breaking the vicious cycle involves five basic propositions: (1) ma...
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Test of independence for generalized Farlie-Gumbel-Morgenstern distributions
Guven, Bilgehan; Kotz, Samual (2008-01-15)
Given a pair of absolutely continuous random variables (X, Y) distributed as the generalized Farlie-Gumbel-Morgenstern (GFGM) distribution, we develop a test for testing the hypothesis: X and Y are independent vs. the alternative; X and Y are positively (negatively) quadrant dependent above a preassigned degree of dependence. The proposed test maximizes the minimum power over the alternative hypothesis. Also it possesses a monotone increasing power with respect to the dependence parameter of the GFGM distri...
Criteria for the Evaluation of Workflow Management Systems for Scientific Data Analysis
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Many scientific endeavors, such as molecular biology, have become dependent on largescale data and its analysis. For example, precision medicine depends on molecular measurements and data analysis on a per-patient basis. Data analysis, supporting medical decisions, has to be standardized and performed in a consistent manner across patients. While perhaps not life-threatening, data analyses in basic research have become increasingly complex. RNA-seq data, for example, entails a multi-step analysis ranging fr...
Citation Formats
E. Sakmar, “Mean homogeneity tests under the violation of the assumptions,” Thesis (M.S.) -- Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences. Statistics., Middle East Technical University, 2019.