Europe the Faltering Project



Europe's Balkan Muslims. A New History
Boyar, Ebru (2019-06-01)
Europe and its others : immigrants and new racism in Europe
Özkan, Yağmur; Yeğenoğlu-Mutman, Meyda; Department of Sociology (2007)
There is no doubt about the fact that Europe has become home for millions of ex-colonails, guest-workers, refugees, asylum-seekers. However, these new Europeans are not acknowledged to be Europeans but instead they are mostly perceived as not belonging. Being deprived of political and social rights and exposed to economic exploitation make them the European "apartheid". Within this present conjunture, this thesis aims at a modest discussion on ever-rising racism in Europe. It focuses on European racism and ...
Europe as Hegemony and Discourses in Turkey after 1999 Dialogue with the Europeanisation Literature
Alpan, Başak Zeynep (null; 2011-09-07)
Europe’s security challenges and transatlantic relations
Çilkoparan, Hidayet; Bağcı, Hüseyin; Department of International Relations (2018)
This thesis seeks to analyse the European Union’s current security structure, by taking into account the roles of the United States of America (USA) and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and then to explore potential implications of the changes in transatlantic relations. Since World War II, NATO, under the leadership of the USA, has been serving as the main security provider for Europe. Although NATO’s relevance was questioned after the end of the Cold War and the dissolution of the Soviet Union a...
European Tracks on Photography; workshops
Işıtman, Ödül; Uysal, Mehmet Ali (Kaleidescopeurope Avrupa Birliği Projesi, 2010-12-01)
Citation Formats
B. Z. Alpan, “Europe the Faltering Project,” Global Affairs, pp. 225–227, 2015, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: