Co-gnito as a serious game to understand users’ urban perception

Görücü, Sinem
This thesis offers an experimental research tool to be used for understanding people’s perceptions and experiences in urban environments with regards to Kevin Lynch’s well-known theory of The Image of the City. “Co-gnito” was designed as a serious game in order to produce collective and cognitive maps which are based on the users’ real experiences. Hence, this research aims to evaluate this originally designed tool’s performance in terms of its ability to collect reliable and valid perceptional data. The medium of serious board gaming has been used as a fun and interactive environment to encourage participants to share their experiences and to enhance the social interaction among them. The game was tested in two different university campuses: Arenberg Campus (KU Leuven) in Leuven and Middle East Technical University Campus in Ankara; both of which constitute different urban characteristics. The findings which were revealed in the two different spatial contexts were analyzed under two success criteria; i) the success of the tool as a fun game, and ii) the success of the tool as a meaningful research method. At the end, the findings of the research are critically evaluated to show the strengths and weaknesses of Co-gnito and discussed for further studies.


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Citation Formats
S. Görücü, “Co-gnito as a serious game to understand users’ urban perception,” Thesis (M.S.) -- Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences. Urban Design in City and Regional Planning Department., Middle East Technical University, 2019.