Fifteenth-century colonization of the americas and the process of reconquista: a millenarian perspective

Tiryaki, Fatma Hazal
The year 1492 witnessed three related and important events - the fall of Granada, the expulsion of the Jews and the enterprise of the Indies - which originated in the Iberian Peninsula yet altered the course of the European and world history. In this study, the developments in mainland Spain and its overseas territories which were under the rule of Isabel and Ferdinand will be analysed by referring to the historical, cultural and theological dimensions. This study, by using the textual interpretation and historical analysis methods, asserts that the geographical expeditions led by Christopher Columbus and the Reconquista process that was finalized by Isabel and Ferdinand of Spain were momentous examples of the theopolitics in which eschatological expectations and millenarian prophecies played a significant role in Spain’s policy-making.


America's Global Moment: Italy Witnesses the Spanish-American War
Gürsel, Bahar (2017-04-01)
The second half of the nineteenth century was a significant era for both the United States and the Kingdom of Italy during which both countries commenced to seek new ways of expansion. The United States, which was economically much stronger and technologically more developed, declared its rising hegemony by the end of the nineteenth century. Italy, which lacked the economic and social resources that the United States possessed, strived to become a colonial power until the first decades of the twentieth cent...
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Central Asia has been a region of various interests for many centuries. The collapse of the Soviet Union led to the independence of five states in the region. All these states went through major socio-economic and political challenges in the post-Soviet period. While domestic in nature, these problems have started to affect the overall stability and security in the region. The 9/11 attacks and the subsequent “War on Terror” contributed to the perception that the region is vital for global security as well....
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Bektaş, Bilge Nur; Balaban, Osman; Department of Urban Policy Planning and Local Governments (2019)
Various events took place in world history such as wars, migrations, genocides, and disasters. Throughout history, people have attributed values to objects and places to remember and to be remembered, aimed to transmit these values to the future, hence, the conservation field has evolved. This study aims to understand the conservation process in the Gallipoli Historical Site, which is internationally recognized as the place of the Gallipoli Campaign of WWI. The Gallipoli Campaign affected the world politica...
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Özdemir, Aygül; Soykut, Mustafa; Department of History (2003)
This thesis analyzes the Christianisation process of the Roman Empire from the time of Constantine the Great to that of Justinian. The purposes of the ecumenical councils and the codes on the religious issues will be discussed in the framework of the religious policies of the emperors in that time. Between the time of Constantine and that of Justinian the Roman Empire became Christian Roman Empire. The Christianisation of the Roman Empire will be dealt with both from the religious and political point of vie...
Impacts of Transition from an Official Greek Viewpoint: The Case of the Turkish Muslim Minority in Western Thrace-Greece (1923-1933)
Hüseyinoğlu, Ali (Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi (Ankara, Turkey), 2012-4-1)
In the beginning of the 20th century, the dissolution of great empires in Europe resulted in formation of new nation states. Millions of people were forced to move from one place to another while others remained on their own historic lands. As the Ottoman Millet system collapsed together with the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire, ethnic and religious differentiation among communities throughout the former Ottoman lands started to be promoted by new nation states of the post-World War. In this respect, thos...
Citation Formats
F. H. Tiryaki, “Fifteenth-century colonization of the americas and the process of reconquista: a millenarian perspective,” Thesis (M.S.) -- Graduate School of Social Sciences. History., Middle East Technical University, 2019.