The Moderating roles of peer pressure and traffic climate on the relationship between family climate for road safety and risky driving behaviors among young drivers

Ersan, Özlem
Young drivers’ risk-taking driving behaviors can be evaluated as the product of who they are and what is their environment. The first aim of the present study is to investigate the effect of of family climate, peer pressure, and traffic climate on risky-taking behaviors of young drivers. The main aim of the present study is to investigating the moderating roles of peer pressure (primary moderator) and traffic climate (secondary moderator) on the relationship between family climate for road safety (for mothers and fathers, and only fathers) and risk-taking behaviors of young drivers in the scope of socio-ecological perspective. In the present study, 400 participants (182 female, 218 male) completed the questionnaire package including Family Climate for Road Safety Scale (the FCRSS), Peer Pressure Scale (the PPS), Traffic Climate Scale (the TCS), and Risk-taking Behavioral Scales (the RTBS), respectively. Demographic statistics, the Principal Component Analyses (the PCA), correlation analyses, hierarchical regression analyses, and moderated moderation analyses were conducted. The results of the moderated moderation analyses indicated that the magnitude of moderation by peer pressure of the effect of dimensions of the FCRSS on risk-taking behaviors depended on dimesions of the TCS. The present study suggested that in order to decrease risk-taking behaviors among young drivers, interventions can be applied for both interpersonal factors and cultural factors in the scope of socio-ecological model.


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Citation Formats
Ö. Ersan, “The Moderating roles of peer pressure and traffic climate on the relationship between family climate for road safety and risky driving behaviors among young drivers,” Thesis (Ph.D.) -- Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences. Psychology., Middle East Technical University, 2020.