The effect of local mobile sources on air quality

Göle, K. Banu


The influence of knowledge-based e-commerce product recommender agents on online consumer decision-making
Huseynov, Farid; Huseynov, Sema Yildiz; Özkan Yıldırım, Sevgi (2016-01-01)
Online retailers are providing a large amount of products over the Internet for potential customers. Given the opportunity of accessing vast amounts of products online, customers usually encounter difficulties to choose the right product or service for themselves. Obtaining advice from the Internet is both time consuming and most of the time unreliable. Therefore, some kind of intelligent software is needed to act on behalf of customers in such situations. Recommender agents are intelligent software providi...
The effects of test driven development on software productivity and software quality
Ünlü, Cumhur; Bilgen, Semih; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2008)
In the 1990s, software projects became larger in size and more complicated in structure. The traditional development processes were not able to answer the needs of these growing projects. Comprehensive documentation in traditional methodologies made processes slow and discouraged the developers. Testing, after all code is written, was time consuming, too costly and made error correction and debugging much harder. Fixing the code at the end of the project also affects the internal quality of the software. Ag...
The Effect of Margin Changes on Futures Market Volume and Trading
Danışoğlu, Seza (null; 2017-01-08)
Margins are performance bonds that are designed to protect market participants and the market as a whole against investor default. Academic interest in analyzing margins started in the late 1960s and the number of studies increased parallel to the growth of the derivatives markets. Studies on margins mostly focus on the margin regulations, impact of margin levels on trading activity and optimal margin rules. The aim of this study is to determine the impact of margin levels and margin changes on trading acti...
The Effect of margin changes on futures market volume and trading
Erken, Çiğdem; Danışoğlu, Seza; Department of Financial Mathematics (2016)
Margins are performance bonds that are designed to protect market participants and the market as a whole against investor default. Academic interest in analyzing margins started in the late 1960s and the number of studies increased parallel to the growth of the derivatives markets. Studies on margins mostly focus on optimal margin rules, regulations on margins and the impact of margin levels on trading activity. The aim of this study is to determine the impact of margin levels and margin changes on trading ...
Banka kredilerinin bölgesel büyümeye etkileri
Önder, Zeynep; Özyıldırım, Züleyha (Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi (Ankara, Turkey), 2010-12)
Bu çalışmada, 1992-2006 yılları arasında kamu bankaları ve özel bankalar tarafından açılan kredilerin il bazında büyümeye olan etkileri, kamu harcamaları, kentleşme, eğitim ve illerin finansal merkezlere uzaklıkları gibi değişkenler kontrol edilerek, ve “sabit etkiler modeli” kullanılarak incelenmiştir. Bulgularımız, hem kalkınmada öncelikli bölgelerde hem de diğer bölgelerde, özel sermayeli bankalarca verilen kredilerinin büyümeye etkisinin kamu sermayeli bankalara göre istatistiksel açıdan daha anlamlı ol...
Citation Formats
K. B. Göle, “The effect of local mobile sources on air quality,” Middle East Technical University, 1991.