Risk Assessment and Design of Prevention Structures for Enhanced Tsunami Disaster Resilience (RAPSODI)/Euro-Japan Collaboration

Harbitz, C. B.
Nakamura, Y.
Arikawa, T.
Baykal, Cüneyt
Dogan, G. G.
Frauenfelder, R.
Glimsdal, S.
Issler, D.
Kaiser, G.
Kanoğlu, Utku
Kortenhaus, A.
Lovholt, F.
Maruyama, Y.
Sassa, S.
Sharghivand, N.
Strusinska-Correia, A.
Özyurt Tarakcıoğlu, Gülizar
Yalçıner, Ahmet Cevdet
The 2011 Tohoku event showed the massive destruction potential of tsunamis. The Euro-Japan "Risk assessment and design of prevention structures for enhanced tsunami disaster resilience (RAPSODI)" project aimed at using data from the event to evaluate tsunami mitigation strategies and to validate a framework for a quantitative tsunami mortality risk analysis. Coastal structures and mitigation strategies against tsunamis in Europe and Japan are compared. Failure mechanisms of coastal protection structures exposed to tsunamis are discussed based on field data. Knowledge gaps on failure modes of different structures under different tsunami loading conditions are identified. Results of the wave-flume laboratory experiments on rubble mound breakwaters are used to assess their resilience against tsunami impact. For the risk analysis, high-resolution digital elevation data are applied for the inundation modeling. The hazard is represented by the maximum flow depth, the exposure is described by the location of the population, and the mortality is a function of flow depth and building vulnerability. A thorough search for appropriate data on the 2011 Tohoku tsunami was performed. The results of the 2011 Tohoku tsunami mortality hindcast for the city of Ishinomaki substantiate that the tsunami mortality risk model can help to identify high-mortality risk areas and the main risk drivers.


Lessons Learned from the 2011 Great East Japan Tsunami: Performance of Tsunami Countermeasures, Coastal Buildings, and Tsunami Evacuation in Japan
Suppasri, Anawat; Shuto, Nobuo; Imamura, Fumihiko; Koshimura, Shunichi; Mas, Erick; Yalçıner, Ahmet Cevdet (2013-06-01)
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On January 15, 2022, the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai volcano's huge eruption generated tsunami waves globally due to an unusual source in this unique event: fast-traveling air pressure disturbances originated from the explosion of the volcano. Here we investigate the global propagation of the pressure waves (first cycle) and the consequent ocean waves. The analysis of the measured air pressure waves shows that the speed of air pressure linearly increases with time. The peak and trough amplitudes of the pressu...
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Sharghivand, Naeimeh; Kanoğlu, Utku; Department of Engineering Sciences (2014)
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Historical tsunami in the Makran Subduction Zone off the southern coasts of Iran and Pakistan and results of numerical modeling
Heidarzadeh, Mohammad; Pirooz, Moharram D.; Zaker, Nasser H.; Yalçıner, Ahmet Cevdet; Mokhtari, Mohammad; Esmaeily, Asad (2008-06-01)
Tsunami hazard in the Makran Subduction Zone (MSZ), off the southern coasts of Iran and Pakistan, was studied by numerical modeling of historical tsunami in this region. Although the MSZ triggered the second deadliest tsunami in the Indian Ocean, among those known, the tsunami hazard in this region has yet to be analyzed in detail. This paper reports the results of a risk analysis using five scenario events based on the historic records, and identifies a seismic gap area in western Makran off the southern c...
Citation Formats
C. B. Harbitz et al., “Risk Assessment and Design of Prevention Structures for Enhanced Tsunami Disaster Resilience (RAPSODI)/Euro-Japan Collaboration,” COASTAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, pp. 0–0, 2016, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/46965.