B -> K*tau(+)tau(-) decay in the general two Higgs doublet model including the neutral Higgs boson effects

We study the CP violating asymmetry, the forward-backward asymmetry of the lepton pair and the CP asymmetry in the forward-backward asymmetry for the exclusive decay B --> K*tau(+)tau(-) in the general two Higgs doublet model including the neutral Higgs boson effects. We analyse the dependences of these quantities on the model III parameters. We found that the physical parameters studied above are of the order of 1%, and neutral Higgs boson effects are detectable for large values of the coupling (ξ) over bar (D)(N)(tautau).


B -> K*l(+)l(-) decay in the two Higgs doublet model with flavor changing neutral currents
Alıyev, Tahmasıb (Elsevier BV, 1999-04-01)
We study the decay width, forward-backward asymmetry and the longitudinal lepton polarization for the exclusive decay B --> K *l(+)l(-) in the two Higgs doublet model with three level flavor changing neutral currents (model III) and analyse the dependencies of these quantities on the the selected parameters, xi(U,D), of model III including the next to leading QCD corrections. It is found that to look for charged Higgs effects, the measurements of the branching ratio, forward-backward asymmetry and the longi...
b -> s gamma decay in the two Higgs doublet model with flavour changing neutral currents
Alıyev, Tahmasıb (IOP Publishing, 1999-05-01)
We study the b --> s gamma decay including the next-to-leading QCD corrections in the two Higgs doublet model with flavour changing neutral currents at the tree level. We find the constraints to the flavour changing parameters of the model, using the experimental results on the branching ratio of B --> X(s)gamma decay, provided by the CLEO Collaboration. The restrictions coming from the Delta F = 2 (F = K, D, B) mixing and the rho parameter.
B decays in an asymmetric left-right model
Frank, Mariana; Hayreter, Alper; Turan, İsmail (American Physical Society (APS), 2010-08-25)
Motivated by recently observed disagreements with the standard model predictions in B decays, we study b -> d, s transitions in an asymmetric class of SU(2)(L) x SU(2)(R) x U(1)(B-L) models, with a simple one-parameter structure of the right-handed mixing matrix for the quarks, which obeys the constraints from kaon physics. We use experimental constraints on the branching ratios of b -> s gamma, b -> ce (nu) over bar (e), and B-d,s(0) - (B) over barB(d,s)(0) mixing to restrict the parameters of the model: g...
Two Higgs doublet model and lepton polarization in the B -> K tau(+)tau(-) decay
Alıyev, Tahmasıb; Savcı, Mustafa; Özpineci, Altuğ (IOP Publishing, 1998-01-01)
The decay width, forward-backward asymmetry and tau lepton longitudinal and transversal polarization for the exclusive B --> K tau(+)tau(-) decay in a two Higgs doubler model are computed. It is shown that the forward-backward asymmetry and longitudinal polarization of the tau lepton are very effective tools for establishing near physics.
CP asymmetry in charged Higgs decays in the MSSM
Frank, Mariana; Turan, İsmail (American Physical Society (APS), 2007-07-01)
We discuss and compare the charge-parity (CP) asymmetry in the charged Higgs boson decays H-->(u) over bar (i)d(j) for the second and third generation quarks in the minimal supersymmetric standard model. As part of the analysis, we derive some general analytical formulas for the imaginary parts of two-point and three-point scalar one-loop integrals and use them for calculating vectorial- and tensorial-type integrals needed for the problem under consideration. We find that, even though each decay mode has a ...