Communication of distributed discrete-event supervisors on a switched network

In order to tackle the controller synthesis problem for large-scale discrete-event systems, recent approaches suggest the design of interacting modular or decentralized supervisors. In these works, information exchange between the supervisors is either required implicitly by the synchronization of shared events or explicitly by the communication of events or symbols. However, it is not discussed how the communication can be realized if the supervisors are implemented in distributed controller devices that are connected by a communication network. In this paper, we study the synchronization of shared events among distributed supervisors on a switched network. In particular, we develop a communication model that accounts for possible transmission delays, and enables the correct operation of the communicating supervisors.


Controller synthesis for an I/O-based hierarchical system architecture
Perk, Sebastian; Moor, Thomas; Schmidt, Klaus Verner (2008-10-08)
In our previous work, a framework for the hierarchical design of discrete event systems has been introduced that is based on a notion of inputs and outputs. I/O-plant models describe the interaction of each subsystem with the operator (or controller) and the environment. By alternation of subsystem composition and controller synthesis, a hierarchy of controllers is obtained that complements a hierarchy of environment models. An admissibility condition was presented that implies liveness while allowing for a...
On maximal permissiveness of hierarchical and modular supervisory control approaches for discrete event systems
Schmidt, Klaus Verner (2008-08-26)
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Schmidt, Klaus Verner; Cury, José E.r. (null; 2010-12-01)
This paper extends previous results on the hierarchical and decentralized control of multitasking discrete event systems (MTDES). Colored observers, a generalization of the observer property, together with local control consistency, allow to derive sufficient conditions for synthesizing modular and hierarchical control that are both strongly nonblocking (SNB) and maximally permissive. A polynomial procedure to verify if a projection fulfills the above properties is proposed and in the case they fail for a g...
Hierarchical control with partial observations: Sufficient conditions
Boutin, Olivier; Komenda, Jan; Masopust, Tomas; Schmidt, Klaus Verner; Van Schuppen, Jan H. (2011-12-01)
In this paper, hierarchical control of both monolithic and modular discrete-event systems under partial observations is studied. Two new conditions, called observation consistency and local observation consistency, are proposed. These conditions are sufficient for the preservation of observability between the original and the abstracted plant. Moreover, it is shown that both conditions are compositional, that is, they are preserved by the synchronous product. This property makes it possible to use hierarchi...
Distributed discrete event simulation architecture with connectors
Çolpankan, İsmet Özgür; Oğuztüzün, Mehmet Halit S.; Kara, Ahmet; Department of Computer Engineering (2014)
In this thesis we propose a distributed approach to Simulation Modeling Architecture (SiMA) with software connectors via Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) as a middleware technology. SiMA is a DEVS-based modeling and simulation framework developed in TUBITAK BILGEM ILTAREN. Discrete Event System Specification (DEVS) is a formalism that arranges complex system models with a well-defined execution protocol. A connector is a first class entity which performs interaction among components and plays an impor...
Citation Formats
K. V. Schmidt and Ş. E. Schmidt, “Communication of distributed discrete-event supervisors on a switched network,” 2008, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: