Department of Secondary Science and Mathematics Education, Book / Book chapter

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Entity Type
Publication (7)

Has File(s)
No (7)

Aşık, Gürsu (2)
Lesh, Richard (2)
Olgun, Beyza (2)
Sevinç, Şerife (2)
Yılmaz, Zuhal (2)


Date Issued
2013 - 2018 (7)

Item Type
Book Chapter (7)

Recent Submissions

Çocuklara Matematik Tarih ile Nasıl Öğretilebilir?
Akyüz, Didem (Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık, 2018-04-01)
Aşık, Gürsu; Olgun, Beyza; Yılmaz, Zuhal (null, 2017-01-01)
Öğrenme kuramı, müfredat ve değerlendirme
Cilavdaroğlu, Ali Kemal; Yılmaz, Ayşenur; Olgun, Beyza; Cansu Kurt, Ümmügülsüm; Girit, Dilek; Aşık, Gürsu; Taştepe, Mehtap; Bağdat, Osman; Dönmez, Pelin; Avcu, Ramazan; Avcu, Seher; Baştürk, Savaş; Alkan, Selçuk; Yeniçeri, Üzeyir; Yılmaz, Zuhal; Esendemir, Ozan (Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, 2017-01-01)
Matematik eğitiminde matematiksel modelleme
Kertil, Mahmut; Çetinkaya, Bülent; Erbaş, Ayhan Kürşat; Çakıroğlu, Erdinç (2016-01-01)
İzometrik ve Ortografik Çizimler
Şahin, Hatice Büşra; Akar, Nazlı (PEGEM AKADEMİ, 2016-01-01)
Extending the reach of the models and modelling perspective: a course-sized research site
Brady, Corey; Lesh, Richard; Sevinç, Şerife (null, 2015-01-01)
For over 30 years, researchers have engaged in inquiry within the Models and Modelling Perspective (MMP), taking as a fundamental principle that learners’ ideas develop in coherent conceptual systems called models. Under a...
Modeling as a means for making powerful ideas accessible to children at an early age
Lesh, Richard; English, Lyn; Sevinç, Şerife; Riggs, Chanda (Springer, Dordrecht, 2013-01-01)
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