Correlates of Adult Attachment and Cross National Patterns

Searight, Russell
Sümer, Nebi
Guzey, Ayca
Tuzel, Mahir
Johnson, Lacey N.
As part of the International Sexuality Description Project, a total of 17,804 participants from 62 cultural regions completedthe RelationshipQuestionnaire(RQ), a self-reportmeasure of adult romanticattachment. Correlational analyses within each culture suggested that the Model of Self and the Model of Other scales of the RQ were psychometrically valid within most cultures. Contrary to expectations, the Model of Self and Model of Other dimensions of the RQ did not underlie the four-category model of attachment in the same way across all cultures. Analyses of specific attachment styles revealed that secure romantic attachment was normative in 79% of cultures and that preoccupied romantic attachment was particularly prevalent in East Asian cultures. Finally, the romantic attachment profiles of individual nations were correlated with sociocultural indicators in ways that supported evolutionary theories of romantic attachment and basic human mating strategies


The effect of gender of HIV-related stigma and discrimination : cases from Turkey
Aşar Brown, Serap; Ertürk, Yakın; Department of Gender and Women's Studies (2007)
This study explores the effect of gender on HIV-related stigma and discrimination with selected cases from Turkey and examines ‘normalized sexuality’ (i.e., conformity to sexual norms in Turkish society) as a moderating factor. In this regard, both qualitative and quantitative data collection techniques have been utilized, namely; (i) in-depth interviews with HIV positive women and men with different sexual lives, and (ii) a survey conducted at the University of Istanbul among dentistry students. The main q...
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Uğurluoğlu, İdil; Canel Çınarbaş, Deniz; Department of Psychology (2021-3-03)
An emerging literature on bisexual individuals shows that bi-specific stressors lead adverse psychological and physical health outcomes on bisexual individuals. Romantic relationship involvement is seen as bi-specific stressor provoking life event in bisexual people. Yet, adult attachment studies with heterosexual samples yield that imagery or physical contact with romantic partner as an attachment figure enhances one‟s affect regulation in the face of exte...
The relationships among attitudes toward gay men and lesbians, system justification, social contact, political orientation and gender.
Uğurlu, Ozanser; Eryılmaz, Derya; Sakallı, Nuray (2019-06-01)
The study explored the association among attitudes toward lesbians and gay men, system justification, social contact, political orientation, and gender in a Muslim heterosexual sample in Turkey. Participants (N = 377; Women = 276 Men = 101; MAge = 21.83, SDAge = 2.00) completed scales of Attitudes toward Gay Men (ATG) and Lesbians (ATL), system justification, and demographic information. Men had more negative scores on ATG and ATLthan women. Gay men were evaluated more negatively than lesbians by men. Havin...
A metapragmatic account of madilik, madikoli and gullüm in Turkish queer communication
Karabacak, Galip; Işık Güler, Hale; Department of English Language Teaching (2022-12)
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