Ataseven, Yolda
Alatan, Abdullah Aydın
This paper presents a simple methodology for accurate registration of the available elevation data sources, such as SRTM and ASTER DEM, to high resolution satellite images. For this purpose, widely used rational polynomial functions are utilized to project a point in the elevation data onto the satellite image. These projections are then interpolated in the image domain by using quadratic surface fitting. Possible hole points (empty pixels) are eliminated by using overlapping patches. The errors in SRTM data and satellite image geo-location are reduced by the help of tie points. The experimental results indicate better geo-location accuracy compared to the original satellite RPC's could provide. The proposed approach provides a good initial position estimate for each pixel in both stereo satellite images with no ground control points (GCPs), possibly resulting in fast convergence for expensive surface generation iterations and fast stereo match point detection.
ISPRS-Technical-Commission III Symposium on Photogrammetric Computer Vision and Image Analysis (PCV)


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San, D. Koc; TÜRKER, MUSTAFA (2007-10-12)
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Citation Formats
Y. Ataseven and A. A. Alatan, “SRTM REGISTRATION FOR ELECTRO-OPTIC SATELLITE IMAGES WITHOUT GCP,” Saint Mande, FRANCE, 2010, vol. 38, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: