Determination of proteasome activity using surface enhanced raman scattering (SERS) spectroscopy



Determination of Electrical Heterogeneities in Cell Lines by Dielectrophoresis Utilizing High Conductivity Buffers
Demircan Yalçın, Yağmur; Töral, Taylan Berkin; Sukas, Sertan; Yıldırım, Ender; Zorlu, Özge; Külah, Haluk (null; 2018-06-13)
Determination of honey crystallization and adulteration by using time domain NMR relaxometry
Berk, Berkay; Öztop, Halil Mecit; Mazı, Bekir Gökçen; Department of Food Engineering (2020-8)
Honey is an important source of sugar and widely used as a natural sweetener. The demand for honey has increased significantly due to increase in the consumer tendency to use natural sugars as an alternative to starch based sweeteners (SBS). Thus, honey as being expensive compared to SBS has become very susceptible to adulteration and started to suffer from significant quality problems. In addition to adulteration, crystallization is another problem that could affect the quality of the honey. Crystallizatio...
Determination of metal concentrations in lichen samples by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy technique after applying different digestion procedures
Tuncel, Süleyman Gürdal; Dogangun, A (2004-05-28)
Three digestion procedures have been tested on lichen samples for application in the determination of major, minor and trace elements (Al, Ca, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Ph, V and Zn) in lichen samples collected in Aegean Region of Turkey by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometer (ICP-AES). The acid mixture of concentrated HNO3, H2O2 and HF were used. The instrument was optimized using lichen matrix considering RF power, nebulizer pressure, auxiliary flow rate and Pump rate. The acc...
Determination of simvastatin-induced changes in bone composition and structure by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy in rat animal model
Garip, Sebnem; Severcan, Feride (2010-08-01)
Simvastatin is a hypolipidemic drug which is used to control hypercholesterolemia and to prevent cardiovascular disease. In the current study, the effects of high and low doses of simvastatin treatment on tibia of healthy rats were investigated. Wistar rats were used for the control, 20 mg and 50 mg simvastatin-treated groups. Molecular investigations were performed using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. In the bones of the two groups of simvastatin-treated rats, the relative mineral/matrix ratio (p...
Citation Formats
M. Volkan and S. Kocabıyık, “Determination of proteasome activity using surface enhanced raman scattering (SERS) spectroscopy,” 2012, vol. 279, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: