Subcontracting between factories and workshop: a case study of automotive industry in Bursa, Turkey

Gupta, Subhash Chander


Subcontracting and firm characteristics: Evidence from two new local industrial districts in Turkey
Şaraçoğlu, Dürdane Şirin; Kızılırmak, Burça (Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi (Ankara, Turkey), 2016-8)
This article examines the nature of subcontracting relations across firms in textile industry in Denizli and Gaziantep provinces which were considered among the new local industrial districts that emerged following the adoption of export-led growth strategies in Turkey during the 1990s. The empirical analysis in the article is based on a unique data set that the authors have constructed using face-to-face survey methods with firm representatives in these two regions. Results show that while in Gaziante...
Mismatch of labor force and industry in Konya: analysis of structural and individual factors from employer’s perspective
Fenerli, Aydın; Beşpınar Akgüner, Fatma Umut; Department of Social Policy (2019)
Turkey has experienced a significant economic growth after 2002 and GDP increased along with growing sectors and increasing income. However, growth was not reflected in the labor market outcomes. This study focuses on causes of not increasing labor force participation in a rapidly growing economy of a province, aims to understand underlying reasons, and identifying areas that need to be addressed in future. The research and discussions were carried out on the case of Konya province, by focusing on industry ...
Reconciling Computer and Hand: The Case of Author Identity in Design Presentations
Şenyapılı Özcan, Burcu; Basa, İnci (2005-04-30)
As computers were newly emerging in the field of architectural design, it was claimed that the impact of computers would change the way architects design and present. However, within the course of computer use in design, although the field of architectural practice might have been altered extremely, in architectural education there still seems to be a bond to conventional mind-hand-paper relation. One of the reasons for that bond is the fact that although being related to many technologies, architecture ess...
Transpositions on the edge of Europe: difference and ambivalence in architecture Introduction
Ozkaya, Belgin Turan (2011-01-01)
Disassembly and re-use of building materials : a case study on salvaged timber components
Işık, Aydın; Elias Özkan, Soofia Tahira; Department of Architecture (2003)
The objective of this study was to investigate the feasibility of using salvaged timber from deconstructed buildings in Turkey. The intention was to show that the re-use of ءwaste̕ materials, while decreasing the cost of construction also preserves the environment from wasteful and extensive use of natural resources. It is hoped that the findings of such a study will encourage professionals to use second hand timber components in Turkey. In order to deal with the waste problem and to save our planet the re-...
Citation Formats
S. C. Gupta, “Subcontracting between factories and workshop: a case study of automotive industry in Bursa, Turkey,” Middle East Technical University, 1981.