Beyond the Resources of Poverty: Gecekondu Living in the Turkish Capital

Şenses, Fikret


Beyond the Modern/Religious Dichotomy: The Veil and Feminist Solidarity in Contemporary Turkey
İbrahimhakkıoğlu, Fulden (2015-06-01)
Secular nationalism and Islamism constitute a major political polarization in current day Turkey. The proponents of both political orientations use the trope of the veiled woman, in order to advance their respective ideologies. However, the instrumentalization of women’s bodies in this way not only proves inefficient in adequately addressing many of the problems that women face today, but it is also linked to the relentless state control and regulation over our bodies. The following essay gives an account o...
Beyond conflict and coexistence: cosmopolitanism and inter-communal relations in late Ottoman cities
Aytekin, Erden Attila (2022-03-01)
This article attempts to apply a cultural definition of cosmopolitanism (a practiced disposition of openness to the communal Other) to the late Ottoman urban context. It starts with a discussion of the problems of Ottoman urban history literature, especially in relation to the concept of cosmopolitanism and an alternative perspective to cosmopolitanism during the transitionary period of the 1820s to 1920s follows. The study then focuses on two Ottoman cities, Ankara and Belgrade, which were not port-cities ...
Beyond the Pale the Holocaust in the North Caucasus (Book Review)
Pamir Dietrich, Ayşe (2022-01-01)
The North Caucasus has been a hotbed for violent events for centuries, and the Caucasus had prolonged suffering due to mass deportations and ethnic cleansing of many Caucasian nations such as the Circassians, Chechens, Ingush, Kalmyks, Karachais, Balkars and the Crimeans during the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union, especially during Joseph Stalin’ rule. The Russians had also displayed anti-Semitic attitudes against the Jewish community that began very early in Russia’s history and continued till the end ...
Beyond the jab: A need for global coordination of pharmacovigilance for COVID-19 vaccine deployment Comment
Naniche, Denise; Hotez, Peter; Bottazzi, Maria Elena; Ergonul, Onder; Figueroa, J. Peter; Gilbert, Sarah; Gürsel, Mayda; Hassanain, Mazen; Kang, Gagandeep; Kaslow, David; Kim, Jerome H.; Lall, Bhavna; Larson, Heidi; Sheahan, Timothy; Shoham, Shmuel; Wilder-Smith, Annelies; Sow, Samba O.; Strub-Wourgaft, Nathalie; Yadav, Prashant; Batista, Carolina (2021-06-01)
Citation Formats
F. Şenses, “Beyond the Resources of Poverty: Gecekondu Living in the Turkish Capital,” URBAN STUDIES, pp. 1085–1087, 2013, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: