Beyond conflict and coexistence: cosmopolitanism and inter-communal relations in late Ottoman cities

This article attempts to apply a cultural definition of cosmopolitanism (a practiced disposition of openness to the communal Other) to the late Ottoman urban context. It starts with a discussion of the problems of Ottoman urban history literature, especially in relation to the concept of cosmopolitanism and an alternative perspective to cosmopolitanism during the transitionary period of the 1820s to 1920s follows. The study then focuses on two Ottoman cities, Ankara and Belgrade, which were not port-cities often deemed cosmopolitan, and where there was no social or spatial segregation until the demise of cosmopolitanism in the very last years of imperial polity (the 1860s in Belgrade and 1910s in Ankara). The goal is to point out that, although the homogenizing pressures of the modern state, nationalism(s), and capital accumulation eventually prevailed, many residents of these Ottoman cities countered them for a considerable period through their everyday interactions, daily routines, habits of space use and socialization patterns, bringing about late Ottoman cosmopolitanism.


Ulusal Kimlik Sorusu Üzerine Karşıt Düşünceler Ve Konut Mimarisi
Balamir, Aydan; Asatekin, Gül (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 1991)
Discussions of identity in Turkish architecture have customarily addressed the choice of style as an expression of a cultural commitment to modernity or of a resistance to it. It is especially the old rhetorical opposition between 'universal civilization' and 'national cultures' that marks the core of the debates, the roots of which go back to the Culture of Enlightment and the Romantic Movement. Trapped within the political context of rivalry between 'progressive' and 'conservative' camps, preoccupation wi...
Identity Formation and the Political Power in the Late Ottoman Empire and Early Turkish Republic
Şeker, Nesim (2005-09-01)
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Cultural actors as agents of generating social co-presences within the place: Istanbul's contemporary art scene
KAHYA, GÜZİN YELİZ; Ataöv Demirkan, Anlı (Informa UK Limited, 2019-06-03)
This paper builds on the designation of cultural actors' actions as a decisive factor in the emergence of urban patterns of art-driven social co-presences in Istanbul. It contributes to the creative city debate from the perspective of community development by incorporating the contemporary arts into urban social space making efforts. Methodologically, the locations of art organizations in the contemporary arts scene of Istanbul are approached as an urban pattern of art driven social co-presences that result...
Bir Rumeli Kentinin Modernleşmesi: Üsküp 1839-1912
Bektaş, Gönül (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 2020)
Bu yazıda, 1839 Tanzimat Fermanı sonrasında, Balkan yarımadasının merkezinde bulunan Üsküp kentinin modernleşme sürecini incelenmektedir. Yazı kentin gelişmesini ve fiziksel değişim aşamalarını konu almaktadır. Yazıda önce Tanzimat Reformları’nın getirdiği yeniliklerin, Üsküp’ün toplum yapısını ne ölçüde etkilediği ve değişmenin ne yönde olduğu incelenmiş, bu bağlamda tarihsel, sosyo-ekonomik ve siyasal yapının değişimi ayrıntılı bir biçimde irdelenmiştir. Ardından, Üsküp’ün mekânsalyapısını değiştiren bu o...
Definitions of national identity, nationalism and ethnicity in post-Soviet Azerbaijan in the 1990s
Tokluoglu, C (Informa UK Limited, 2005-07-01)
This article examines the major political debates in post-Soviet Azerbaijan vis vis the very assumptions of individual autonomy, equality, national culture and citizenship, and universalism upon which modern nation-states have historically been based. The information presented in this article is based on personal interviews conducted with the leading and influential members of the Azerbaijani political elite in 1998. The interviews were based on two broad themes. The first relates to the perceptions of the ...
Citation Formats
E. A. Aytekin, “Beyond conflict and coexistence: cosmopolitanism and inter-communal relations in late Ottoman cities,” SOUTHEAST EUROPEAN AND BLACK SEA STUDIES, pp. 0–0, 2022, Accessed: 00, 2022. [Online]. Available: