A Content Analysis of Physics Textbooks as a Probable Source of Misconceptions in Geometric Optics

Kaltakci Gurel, Derya
Eryılmaz, Ali
Studies on students' conceptions and reasoning in geometric optics have revealed that students have scientifically incorrect knowledge or lack of understanding in basic optical phenomena. For this reason, as well as the identification of these conceptions or reasoning, the factors or sources that may cause the construction of them should be determined. In the literature, textbooks are considered as one of the main sources of students' unscientific or lacking conceptions. In introductory optics, students may not recognize the role of the observer's eye in the formation and the observation of an image. In this study, nine commonly used physics textbooks around the world and the physics textbook advised by Ministry of National Education in Turkey analyzed in terms of the use of observer's eye and critiqued as a potential source of students' unscientific or lack of conception in optics. Document analysis method is used in order to analyze the ten textbooks. It is found that the role of the observer's eye is ignored or not specifically emphasized in the image formation or observation process in the textbooks. It is suggested that textbooks should be reviewed by experts and the role of observers' eye should be considered especially at the introductory optics for students' better understanding of the optical phenomena.


Assessment of Pre Service Teachers Misconceptions in Geometrical Optics via a Three Tier Misconception
Taşlıdere, Erdal; Eryılmaz, Ali (2015-01-01)
This study was undertaken to describe pre-service elementary teachers’ misconceptions about various aspects of light, shadow and mirror images before they learn the geometrical optics at the university level. The participants of the study were 317 junior and sophomore level students studying at the departments of science and computer education. Students’ misconceptions were assessed via a revised three-tier geometrical optics misconception test. Its’ validity and reliability evidences were rechecked. The fi...
Identifying pre-service physics teachers' misconceptions and conceptual difficulties about geometrical optics
Kaltakci-Gurel, Derya; Eryılmaz, Ali; MCDERMOTT, Lillian C. (IOP Publishing, 2016-07-01)
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Variation in the Representations of Pre service Physics Teachers in Image Formation and Observation Process
Kaltakçı Gürel, Derya; Eryılmaz, Ali (2012-07-06)
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Development and application of a four-tier test to assess pre-service physics teachers' misconceptions about geometrical optics
Kaltakçı, Derya; Eryılmaz, Ali; McDermott, Lillian Christie; Department of Secondary Science and Mathematics Education (2012)
The main purpose of this study was to develop and administer a four-tier test for assessing Turkish pre-service physics teachers’ misconceptions about geometrical optics. Sixteen pre-service physics teachers, who were selected by maximum variation and convenience sampling methods from three state universities in Ankara, were interviewed in the contexts of plane mirrors, spherical mirrors, and lenses. From these interviews and the studies in the literature, the Open-Ended Geometrical Optics Test was develope...
Development of software for calculations of the reflectance, transmittance and absorptance of multilayered thin films
Şimşek, Yusuf; Esendemir, Akif; Department of Physics (2008)
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