Peak ground velocity sensitive deformation demands and a rapid damage assessment approach

The effect of peak ground velocity (PGV) on the maximum inelastic deformation demand of simple, non-degrading structural systems is studied. Ground motion data sets are assembled for pre-defined ranges of PGV and they are used to conduct nonlinear response history analysis of single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) systems. The study is focused on short and intermediate periods of vibration (T) and strength reduction factor (R) is used to define the lateral capacity of the structure. As part of the study, a simple tool for rapid damage assessment in pre-earthquake evaluation of existing building systems is proposed that combines the ground motion parameter PGV with structural properties R and T.


A(p)/V-p specific inelastic displacement ratio for the seismic response estimation of SDOF structures subjected to sequential near fault pulse type ground motion records
DURUCAN, CENGİZHAN; Durucan, Ayse Rusen (2016-10-01)
This research study is focused on an improved statistical equation proposed to estimate the inelastic displacement ratio, C-1, of structures subjected to sequential (pre-shock, main shock, after shock) pulse type near fault (NF) ground motions. Proposed equation considers the effects of fundamental vibration period of the structure, T, lateral strength ratio, R, and frequency content of the design earthquake on the variation of the response. Frequency content of the design earthquake, represented by the A(p...
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Direct use of PGV for estimating peak nonlinear oscillator displacements
Akkar, Dede Sinan; Kucukdogan, Bilge (2008-10-10)
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Citation Formats
S. Akkar and H. Sucuoğlu, “Peak ground velocity sensitive deformation demands and a rapid damage assessment approach,” 2003, vol. 29, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: