Object based 3-D motion and structure estimation



Object Detection with Minimal Supervision
Demirel, Berkan; Cinbiş, Ramazan Gökberk; İkizler Cinbiş, Nazlı; Department of Computer Engineering (2023-1-18)
Object detection is considered one of the most challenging problems in computer vision since it requires correctly predicting both the object classes and their locations. In the literature, object detection approaches are usually trained in a fully-supervised manner, with a large amount of annotated data for all classes. Since data annotation is costly in terms of both time and labor, there are also alternative object detection methods, such as weakly supervised or mixed supervised learning to reduce these ...
Object Orientation Detection And Character-Recognition Using Optimal Feedforward Network And Kohonen Feature Map
Baykal, Nazife (1992)
A neural network model, namely, Kohonen's Feature Map, together with the optimal feedforward network is used for variable font machine printed character recognition with tolerance to rotation, shift in position, and size errors. The determination of object orientation is found using the many rotated versions of individual symbols. Orientations are detected from printed text, but no knowledge of the context is used. The optimal Bayesian detector is derived, and it is shown that the optimal detector has the f...
KIRAGI, H; Ersak, Aydın (1994-04-14)
In this paper an object recognition and localization system based on ultrasonic range imaging to be used in optically opaque environments is introduced. The system is especially designed for robotics applications. The ultrasonic image is acquired by scanning ultrasonic transducers in two dimensions above the area where objects are located. The features that are used for recognition and localization processes are extracted from the outermost boundaries of the objects present in the input scene. Experimental ...
Object Segmentation in Multi-view Video via Color, Depth and Motion Cues
Cigla, Cevahir; Alatan, Abdullah Aydın (2009-01-01)
In the light of dense depth map estimation, motion estimation and object segmentation, the research on multi-view video (MVV) content has becoming increasingly popular due to its wide application areas in the near future. In this work, object segmentation problem is studied by additional cues due to depth and motion fields. Segmentation is achieved by modeling images as graphical models and performing popular Normalized Cuts method with some modifications. In the graphical models, each node is represented b...
Object Detection for Autonomous Driving: High-Dynamic Range vs. Low-Dynamic Range Images
Kocdemir, Ismail H.; Akyüz, Ahmet Oğuz; Koz, Alper; Chalmers, Alan; Alatan, Abdullah Aydın; Kalkan, Sinan (2022-01-01)
An important problem in autonomous driving is to perceive objects even under challenging illumination conditions. Despite this problem, existing solutions use low-dynamic range (LDR) images for object detection for autonomous driving. In this paper, we provide a novel analysis on whether high-dynamic range (HDR) images can provide better performance for object detection for autonomous driving. To this end, we choose a seminal deep object detector and systematically evaluate its performance when trained with...
Citation Formats
A. A. Alatan, “Object based 3-D motion and structure estimation,” 1995, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/55421.