Kapusuz, Derya
Öztürk, Abdullah
Sol-gel derived B (boron) and Zr (zirconium) doped TiO2 (Titania) nanoparticles were synthesized. Microstructural, photocatalytic and crystallographic properties of the doped particles were investigated. Highest photocatalytic activity was achieved by 10 wt% Zr doping. 5 wt% doping was the optimum value for effective B doping. B ions were found to form oxygen vacancies behaving as interstitial defects whereas Zr ions substituted Ti4+ ions in the lattice.
3rd International Conference on NANOCON


Quantum groups, R-matrices and factorization
Çelik, Münevver; Okutmuştur, Baver; Kişisel, Ali Ulaş Özgür; Department of Mathematics (2015)
R-matrices are solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation. They give rise to link invariants. Quantum groups can be used to obtain R-matrices. Roughly speaking, Drinfeld’s quantum double corresponds to LU-decomposition. We proved a partial result concerning factorization of the quantum group M_{p,q} (n) into simpler pieces to ease the computations.
Oscillation of third-order nonlinear delay difference equations
AKTAŞ, MUSTAFA FAHRİ; Tiryaki, Aydin; Zafer, Ağacık (2012-01-01)
Third-order nonlinear difference equations of the form Delta(c(n)Delta(d(n)Delta x(n))) p(n)Delta x(n+1) + q(n)f (x(n-sigma)) = n >= n(0) are considered. Here, {c(n)}, {d(n)}, {p(n)} and {q(n)} are sequences of positive real numbers for n(0) is an element of N, f is a continuous function such that f(u)/u >= K > 0 for u not equal 0. By means of a Riccati transformation technique we obtain some new oscillation criteria. Examples are given to illustrate the importance of the results.
Explicit evaluation of Walsh transforms of a class of Gold type functions
Cosgun, Ayhan (2018-03-01)
Let K = F-2(k) denote the finite field of 2(k) elements. The Walsh transform of a class of Gold type functions f(x) = Tr-K (x(2a+1) + x(2b+1)), 0 <= a < b at alpha is an element of K is determined in recent results of Lahtonen et al. (2007) [7], Roy (2012) [10] and Cosgun et al. (2016) [2] under some restrictions on k, a, b and a. In this paper, we give explicit evaluation of the Walsh transforms off without any restriction on k, a, b and alpha. Therefore we improve and generalize the related results in lit...
On the discretization of Laine equations
Zheltukhın, Kostyantyn (2018-01-01)
We consider the discretization of Darboux integrable equations. For each of the integrals of a Laine equation we constructed either a semi-discrete equation which has that integral as an n-integral, or we proved that such an equation does not exist. It is also shown that all constructed semi-discrete equations are Darboux integrable.
Value sets of folding polynomials over finite fields
Küçüksakallı, Ömer (2019-01-01)
Let k be a positive integer that is relatively prime to the order of the Weyl group of a semisimple complex Lie algebra g. We find the cardinality of the value sets of the folding polynomials P-g(k)(x) is an element of Z[x] of arbitrary rank n >= 1, over finite fields. We achieve this by using a characterization of their fixed points in terms of exponential sums.
Citation Formats
D. Kapusuz, J. PARK, and A. Öztürk, “INFLUENCE OF BORON AND/OR ZIRCONIUM DOPING ON MORPHOLOGY AND OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF TITANIA,” presented at the 3rd International Conference on NANOCON, Brno, CZECH REPUBLIC, 2011, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: