Atacan, Aylin
The philosophy of perception and the process of visuality theories have significant role in today's world. It is surely beyond doubt that when it is come to perception, the first thing that comes to mind is strongly related with senses. Every human sense scrutinizes carefully from different fields of disciplines. By means of seeing, hearing, smelling, touching maybe tasting, we can designate the space and insert into space. In addition to this experience, any changes in this place which we specified our personal area, can be realized within the aid of senses. Our personal space becomes distant as an absolute space in the border which is identified through senses. Thus, it impower the sense of belonging.


A typology of ancient theatres in modern Spain and Greece a geo-historical approach
Aktüre, Zeynep; Erder, Cevat; Department of Architecture (2005)
This study offers an inquiry into the historical context of the invention, consolidation, and on-going popularity of the ancient theatre typology based on the Greek-Roman ءbinarism̕, for a better understanding of its philosophical and theoretical foundations. It scrutinises those foundations in order to discover, in their limitations for an assessment and restitution of the architectural characteristics of extant ancient theatre remains, a new set of variables for devising an alternative method of classific...
The role of human nature in Hume's ethics
Arslanoğlu Çelik, Şengül; İnam, Ahmet; Department of Philosophy (2008)
This dissertation aims to determine the role of human nature in Hume's philosophy. It will examine how moral motivation arises when one takes human nature as the basis of moral philosophyWhat is maintained here is that Hume approaches his rival rationalist philosophers whom he criticised for drawing on metaphysics and rational methods in building the foundation of their ethics. Hume’s “science of man” attempts to isolate the basis of ethics from metaphysical and rational elements. However, this paper demons...
Akkökler Karatekeli, Büşra; Turan, Şeref Halil; Department of Philosophy (2022-9)
This thesis investigates the concept of akrasia, with particular attention given to its sundry interpretations in the philosophies of Plato, Aristotle, and the Stoics. In this inquiry, I argue that these philosophers agree on the lack of knowledge of the akratic person, while they differentiate from each other as to what this missing knowledge is. Irrespective of their rejection or acknowledgement of akrasia due to their conceptions of the soul, I argue that Plato, Aristotle and the Stoics share the common ...
Reconsidering the Kantian concept of genius through the questions of nature, freedom and creativity
Ertene, Merve; Çırakman, Elif; Department of Philosophy (2012)
In this thesis, the role and the significance of the Kantian theory of art and concept of genius in Kant’s system is examined. In this examination, it is aimed to answer the question of the meaning of being human in Kant’s system through art and artist. To this end, Kant’s consideration of art from the spectator’s standpoint and ignorance of artist’s perspective are criticized. In conformity with this criticism, throughout the thesis, depending on Kant’s conceptualization of the genius, the artist’s perspec...
A reconsideration of the concept of architectural space in the virtual realm
Kınayoğlu, Gökhan; Mennan, Zeynep; Department of Architecture (2007)
The discovery of new geometries in the 19th century and the departure from an absolute to a relative understanding of space-time, together with the invention of higher dimensions have caused a shift towards the idealization of space. This new type of ideal space was called hyperspace. The counter-intuitive quality of hyperspace has opened up new formal possibilities and representation techniques in art and architecture. In a similar manner, with the introduction of computers, the virtual and immaterial qual...
Citation Formats
A. Atacan, “RETHINKING THE HOUSE IN ROMAN CONTEXT FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF FILM STUDIES,” ART-SANAT, pp. 19–30, 2016, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: