Joint and individual tool making in preschoolers: From social to cognitive processes

Goenuel, Goekhan
Hohenberger, Annette Edeltraud
Corballis, Michael
Henderson, Annette M. E.
Tool making has been proposed as a key force in driving the complexity of human material culture. The ontogeny of tool-related behaviors hinges on social, representational, and creative factors. In this study, we test the associations between these factors in development across two different cultures. Results of Study 1 with 5-to-6-year-old Turkish children in dyadic or individual settings show that tool making is facilitated by social interaction, hierarchical representation, and creative abilities. Results of a second explorative study comparing the Turkish sample with a sample of 5-to-6-year-old children in New Zealand suggest that tool innovation might be affected by culture, and that the role of cognitive and creative factors diminishes through social interaction in tool making.


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Citation Formats
G. Goenuel, A. E. Hohenberger, M. Corballis, and A. M. E. Henderson, “Joint and individual tool making in preschoolers: From social to cognitive processes,” SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT, pp. 1037–1053, 2019, Accessed: 00, 2020. [Online]. Available: